2014/09/07 13:56:05
With the sun setting earlier and the temperatures getting cooler I'm hoping to get on the water this week. Bit of a dilemma though; I'm stuck between, chest waders vs boat and creek vs lake? Decisions, decisions, never ending!! B-)

Appreciate the come back 10-4?

If I may qoute a legend in his own mind; "I'lllll be back".
2014/09/08 09:55:21
going tonight to fish the full moon...will let you know how I did.
2014/09/11 21:30:11
  Hey Mik did ya make it back from Pymy yet? 
2014/09/12 11:23:55
never made it that night...went Wednesday for a couple hrs. Wind was tough and only managed 1 white bass
2014/09/12 11:56:26
Thanks......... Have not hit the water myself. Going to hit Shenango tomorrow. Hope the dropping water temp turns on the bite. Also hopping I'm not hitting the water too soon after a cold front. Weather report calls for northeast winds today changing to southeast winds during the Saturday am and coming out of the west in the pm. Sky will be cloudy and air temp in the low sixties.

Keep this under your hat cause I want to surprise my wife; If I don't do well tomorrow, I'll be there Sunday!!

Stay tuned!!
2014/09/13 15:38:05
lol...break out that twenty you have folded in your wallet and buy a sub at Lock Stock And Barrel to take with ya....
2014/09/13 23:16:43
Welllllllll I made it to Shenango annnnnnd caught some fish. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!! Good night.

Good grief..... what a day!! First mistake was relying on the weather forecast. That report changed three times in a matter of 12 hours. Waited to 10 am before leaving the house; the 20% chance of showers would be before 10 am. and, radar was clear.

Five minutes from the house and I was wishing I had covered the boat but, the sky looked clear ahead so onward.

Checked the weather report while waiting for my MTO sub; no rain on the radar but, 20% chance of light showers is now until 2:00 pm with 6 to 8 mph winds, gusting to 14 mph from the south.

Hit the launch at the park entrance off of rt. 18 and got the boat on the water. Thankful that my rain gear was in the boat and hoping the 'forecast light showers' would soon be light. I'm still wondering; how the mouse, that chewed the collar off my raincoat, got in the boat?

Anyway, with the 'light rains' starting to subside and clearing skies above, I put the boat into the wind and boy did I. Started out from the launch, turning right around the point, passing under the RR trestle and nutten but white caps. All the way to the west end of the lake. Sure glad the wind forecast only called for 6 to 8 mph with gust to 14 mph out of the south. Found some relief fishing the south shore and small bays and it only rained for 20% of the time. Eventually the sky turned blue, the wind died down and the lake began to glass over. Sorry, I can't tell you what time that was as, I was busy securing the boat to the trailer.

Water temp. was 72` at the surface and I could see a white curly tail down to about 2' in 15 ' of water. Tried jigs with curly tails, pigs & jigs, Texas rigged worms, suface lures, shallow and deep diving lures. The top fish getter today was a shallow diving silver and black 'little-o'.

Sorry to say no 'lunkers' today but, you know what they say about a bad day of fishing. Least not forget, there is always tomorrow so, look out Pymie, here I come.
2014/09/13 23:22:04
PS. Weather forecast calls for sunny, mid sixties and calm winds.

2014/09/14 09:01:11
Yikes! That sure sounded like my day at Pymy....lol The only way I could troll was with the wind. I got snagged and before I could get things stopped and turned around all my line was out and snap...lost everything...thats when I loaded the boat.
2014/09/14 11:39:38
Alarm went off at 5:00 am, staggered around the house, hoping the muscles I didn't know I had would soon stop aching. Headed outside, coffee in hand, and did a immediate about face. Weatherman was right, temperature was 40' so, I thought I better change from short pants and no shirt before venturing out to hook the boat.

Motion detection light turned on at
my approach to the man cave and it was back to the house. I don't have a
fog horn on the boat and I'm sure it would be midmorning before the fog would clear.

Going out to hook the boat now and it's off to Pymy.........Stand-by.

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