Report : 1/13/14 Lake George/Schroon Lake
I gotta say, right now the ice is not so nice.. A week ago from Sunday there was 8" of snow on Schroon Lake and then the rains came, HEAVY rains.. We waddled through slush and water on Monday 1/6 and sat in the shanty in pouring rain all day.. The fishing was good but conditions out side not so.. Luckily that night the temps dropped and the water on top became solid.. It made for easy walking on tues but 30 mph winds and single digit temps made again conditions rough outside.. I never put a tip-up in and sat in the shanty jigging the 1 hole I drilled all day.. My friend gave it the old collage try and put 3 traps in.. Big mistake as he had to drill holes around his traps to get them back.. Tough day for sure..
Now with all that rain, once again we got a TON more this past sat.. That caused major flooding to the incoming tribs of the lakes.. So much water coming in with so little area to go out it made the lake very dirty and the water pushed up onto the shorelines making access to the ice difficult.. We had to walk through 6" of shoreline water out about 5' to get on a solid 11" of ice.. The fishing was terrible, while last week I could see my lure an easy 10' down the hole , yesterday it was less then 3' visibility.. These lake trout are all about attraction.. If they can't see the lure then your success becomes slim..
As for Lake George, We were really starting to gain ground on the ice until again, the weather put a big shot in the arm ... The area I fished had a good 5" of clear black ice but as you seen in the pics, open water where I really wanted to set up... Around 8:30 am yesterday the wind picked up a little and with the warm temps the ice was going CRAZY... It was popping and even moved my shanty a few times.. It was not the sounds of Ice growing but the sounds of ice shifting from so much water coming in with nowhere to go up or out into the open water.. My friend was not comfortable out there in 100 fow with all that going on and wanted to fish a more solid lake so we picked up and headed out.. I felt fine although it was a funny feeling..
I sure hope winter comes back soon, very soon or what usually is good fishing right through March just might be a short season this year...
I will be spending 3 days up in Schroon on Sat-mon so no reports till the...
Be safe if you go out on this not so nice ice :
Peace & Tuna