2014/02/04 21:42:17
Clint S
hot tuna

Bummer about the perch. The females do look bigger then their meat , males are more solid but if you cut them right there is plenty meat to be had.

I am usually at least 10 to 1 on females to males.  Hardly ever get a male over 10 inches here and only a few over 8.    I had a 12.5 and 2 11's  and it seems I got more meat from those 3 than the 8 inch ones, there is just so much more girth to the one over 10 inches.   I usually keep 8 and up  and I usually average about a pound of fillets for 10 to 15 fish depending on average size.   Lots of work to say  the least, but nice to know where it came from and tastes better than anything I can buy in the store  
2014/02/04 21:59:18
hot tuna
Who's favorite is not back straps . Dude, cut them about 2" thick and butterfly them open or roll them mignon with thick slice bacon ... Mmmmmm.
Good luck with them chickens, been there done that. Good for eggs but , Perdue from the store is better eating and less mess.. IMO
2014/02/04 22:15:38
hot tuna
Clint . We also get a higher ratio of females - males but we do get large males here and they have " shoulders", humpbacks we call them. We catch our share of females then start sending them back down the hole only targeting the males
Your quite right, either way you still get a nice slab of meat which make delicious beer battered eats.
Try this some time:
Use pancake mix- add a good stout beer and mix to a semi thick paste. Drop filets in and coat them then throw in hot oil until they float and are golden brown.
The pancake mix will be a light airy batter instead of a crunch harder batter .
If you catch some gills , this is the only mix to use for me as they melt in your mouth
2014/02/05 08:18:19
RichW, I've got no plans made, I might wait awhile to visit. All 3 of the species you mentioned weren't in LH when I was a kid. The Knee Deep club has done some job. Good Luck!
2014/02/05 19:21:39
Fichy, you had mentioned possibly hitting the river this past weekend; did you ever make it?
2014/02/09 19:42:00
hot tuna
Report 2/8/14 schroon lake
After getting home at 1 am we set sail back to laker land at 5 am. It was a rough go of things in the beginning with lack of sleep and lots of snow but we made it to our spot. Had to beat off the crowds once again to get that secret spot ( not ).. The ice is now 17" thick but again , the snow was the drag. Thought it was going to be a banner day with catching a 19" on the first drop but it turned out to be a long slow pick. Lost 2 and my friend iced a 23" but overall pretty slow.
Didn't take any pictures and don't know why because it was a beautiful windless sunny day. Ah well as Lucky said , there is always next week of which will start with pig perch on Friday, lakers sat & sun and back to the perch on Monday .

Lucky , don't wait to long it's gonna be over before we know it !! Lol
2014/02/09 21:05:29
hot tuna

Lucky , don't wait to long it's gonna be over before we know it !! Lol

Tuna, jack can cut a mean rug but let's face it, we're in for it til mid April I bet :)

Nice report bud!!!
2014/02/09 21:27:44
Clint S
That is a bet that may have good odds, but I hope you lose..........
2014/02/09 21:40:43
hot tuna
Clint, so does my wife. She knows there may be no end without a spring break before stripers and adk's , throw a steelhead in there too.. Lol
Also forgot to mention , that 23" laker got hit by a water wolf as well. That's the fish I want next week :)
2014/02/09 21:48:10
Steelhead??? What are those??? Do they still even exist???

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