Missed a couple and booted 3 this morning.
Have to relearn setting the hook on every bump like the flybobber fishers do instead of feeling the real pull first.
Change out the Echo for the replaced Orvis stick while at the same time dropping down to 8# after not being below 10# all year.
Bad choice.
One of the 3 circled the tailout (where I was fishing) and fell off. One I played for a minute or so and on the second jump cracked me.
The third I had at my feet twice before I heavyhanded it as it made a third attempt at going over into the rapid.
Coulda grabbed it if it was the small hen I've been looking for but it would have been the gill plate death grip and it was a male so off it went while I was hoping to tire it a little more so it would be more controllable.
Chuckles any plans for 4/1 yet?
Where you thinking of meeting and when?
Sign in for the derby?