A lot of folks are also banking on the Atlantic program taking off a little more. Then you'd have folks wanting rooms in June and July as well as early August. And one person I recently spoke with was up there last June and said the LFZ was loaded with Ska's. Maybe NYS is thinking about a change in seasons to allow people to get at some of those, or maybe the Hotel is seeing a good number out front of them as well. Sometimes business success is being ahead of the game when one senses a change coming. Then, of course, there is the fact that, whatever NYSDEC wants to do or thinks is the mission, they answer to people over them that have totally different agendas. Think back to the "raise the license fee, and then Albany won't let you spend the money to hire anyone" situation of a couple years back. L13
I gotta say, L-13 might be onto something there with the June- August fishery..
I know millions have gone into the programs with out the success it was intended. I heard or read that they may have the Atlantic problem with disease figured out. If so and the returns or catch rates on the lake indicate as such then controlling the flow of water is somewhat a manageable thing.
A summer fishery would for sure peak the interests of a whole different group of fishermen , mainly and I use the term loosely , higher end with the occasional regular joes like myself until word spread that it was and established summer fishery.
The good thing is it would really support the area more then just the lake fishers at that time.
Bad news would be more corporations with deep pockets would jump at the chance to secure as much water as possible.
As always only time will tell .