2014/03/24 18:03:10
hot tuna
Your posts are always well written and your reports well received.. Sometimes I scratch my head and sometimes not..
What this forum has brought to me over my tenure has been the memories of fishing.. Something we all enjoy , to have folks dispute that is insane.. Having someone try to tell us how to spend our money, and where, when or how is ludicrous..
Do we, this forum need someone to tell those who don't ?
I fish.. 
2014/03/24 18:47:27
Chartist, what makes you think you can say something like that? All I can think is you are an a** hole... bottom line. And honestly that's one of my biggest problems with this fishery is a** holes like yourself and the a** clown that wrote on clints car... too many self entitled elitist, snobby, piece of s*it a**holes... and its always been here, but more than ever now. couple mass social media with it and here comes a few thousand more a**holes!!! All over some stupid fish. That's the funniest part. Altmar was a joke this weekend. Spring and summer can't come fast enough so a**holes like yourself and local river ****s can become obsolete from our little slice of heaven we have here... Go f**k yourself!

You have something special in the SR, there's no doubt.  But you're not going to keep it to yourself, that was not the intention of the government.  The intention was to drive fishing tourism.  Now you want more elbow room?  Drive prices up and more people will stay home.  But some of you slamming that investment company for developing an old school into something viable makes no sense.   
2014/03/24 19:24:14
Chartist theirs so much I can say for myself (not about you in particular) to state my opinion and where I stand. But I refrain these days as there's no need to prove my worth to anyone. I have my family friends and work hard to keep my worth. I do respect your honest reply to my horrible post though. I called it from early on that this thread was a dud and it did indeed turn in to just that.

I have no problems with anyone here. No further comment.
2014/03/24 19:27:35
hot tuna
Char, we have many things special in New York don't you in Ohio ?
Should we New York folk tell you how to run your state ?
Gosh almighty ... Move to NY or shut the heck up and stay in Ohio
2014/03/24 19:38:24
Coldfront, thanks for the invite.  April is for the Vermilion River.  I am going to try and get there in two or three weeks....You should give the V a try.
2014/03/24 20:04:06
Clint S
Lets get this thread back to what it was intended for.
This seems to be the canned response from the DEC
Thanks for your email and for your interest in maintaining public fishing access along the Salmon River.  With regard to our Public Fishing Right's (PFR), they are easements that are permanently deeded to the state. Typically we buy the fishing rights from the landowner and the agreed upon rights of access, whether they are a 33 or 66 foot wide right-of-way along the stream bank, become the states forever. Relative to the PFR along the Salmon River, what you see on our website is accurate and we have no intent of ever forfeiting any portion of those rights. Relative to the parcel of property on the northeast side of the river adjacent to our Altmar North Parking Lot, our current interpretation is that the PFR easement associated with the National Grid owned property is still continuous along this entire stretch. If a conflict were to arise in the future we are prepared to do all we can to alleviate the situation in a manner that will benefit the angling public.
Thanks again for your concern and I hope this explanation provides you a better understanding of our fishing rights along the Salmon River.

Region 7 Fisheries Office
1285 Fisher Avenue
Cortland NY, 13045
(607) 753-3095

The words current interpretation are a bit scary.
This is the canned worthless letter from the gubbenors office

Thank you for your e-mail. To build a stronger, better New York, we need the participation of citizens like you - sharing your ideas, comments, and concerns. Your input is invaluable to our mission to create a government that works for its people, and I appreciate you taking the time to reach out to me.

I want to assure you that your e-mail has been received and that it will be read and shared with the appropriate members of my staff.

I encourage you to return to my website, where you can review my Administration's initiatives and familiarize yourself with my office and YOUR state government.

Thank you again for sharing your perspective and for joining in the effort to build a new New York.


Andrew M. Cuomo
At least the DEC's letter had info on the issue
2014/03/24 20:18:05
hot tuna
my take so far is that this is all internet garble without any factual basis.. I only hope it is and puts us outdoors folks on notice to focus on what is important to us.
I have yet to receive any response from my letters and questions to the Gov , DEC or freedom of information..
2014/03/24 21:46:46
Guys, pfr is in place on the said waters... of course anything is refutable... anyone can refute anything and try to throw their weight around. It would be a huge slap in the face if they overturn the pfr though... and I agree tuna, a huge amount of internet garble over something that most likely "shouldnt" happen...
2014/03/24 22:20:29
Clint S
I triple that, probably based on more speculation and rumor mill than fact.   The PFR's are in place.    It is though something to keep in the back of our heads though.  Although I can speculate that some lawyer is looking  for a loophole, written in small print on the Nimo deed though.............
I for one do find it hard to believe that anyone would put that kind of $$$$$  into a place with only the frontage they have and the average Joe slinging lead from the other side (which fishes better) 
2014/03/25 07:45:20
Unless they originally saw it as a stopover for the night, get picked up by the guide in the AM place with a little water for the evening, after cocktails thing, the " home pool", but the elites have not been exactly breaking down the door to get in there.  They may not have figured weather into their equation, and after this winter, anyone who didn't have enough in the bank to ride out months of nearly no anglers is hurting.

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