2014/03/20 20:12:05
Tuna, your realestate taxes go to support that lovely place:  New York City.....You have the top salmon stream in the eastern US and you're not paying enough....Private money knows this and they will squeeze you....They aren't squeezing me cuz I will pay their price....
2014/03/20 20:14:01
Clint S
So only someone who can afford to pay should be allowed to fish in an exceptional fishery.  I have lived here my WHOLE FING LIFE and  put more than your 3k a year into this community.   So because I cannot afford to pay I am not allowed to fish in something MY tax dollars fund.  People like you are the problem not the solution.   Another self-rightous,  I am entitled just because I have money and you don't..........................
 Rich you beat me to posting.
Same thoughts
2014/03/20 20:17:42
Clint, the fishery is way underpriced and you know it......Go to Alaska, where the experience of catching salmon is fairly equal, and pay $1000 a day....Sorry, but the market knows it's undervalued and it's going to be priced higher.....So cry about, write whomever you want, but that fishery is going to be priced higher....And, kill the messenger, but you know I am right.
2014/03/20 20:23:09
hot tuna
Right on Clint !!
It's people like that who do absolutely nothing in support of a fishery ..
Mr.1/0 hook has no concept and New York would be much better without them.

Ah..... It ain't worth wasting my time discussing with a closed minded selfish idiot
2014/03/20 20:25:13
And you know the purpose of money?  It's for rationing a scarce commodity....Space is getting rare on the SR...So, those who can afford more, get more....So Clint, if your income doesn't allow you the same amount of access as mine, well that's too bad, and it's capitalism....And if you don't support capitalism, you must be a communist...
2014/03/20 20:29:33
No Tune.....You want to feed at the salad buffet for $2.99 and eat all you want...You know what, private enterprise realizes that buffet is way too cheap and being gobbled up by cheapskate locals....Make it $200 for a weekend pass...I'd love it....
2014/03/20 20:37:26
Clint S
FU I am done
Rich I just changed your letter a bit and put my name on it if you don't mind.
Mr. Cuomo:
It has come to my attention  that there is discussion about the state of New York possibly making a deal with the Woodbine group to forgo state Public Fishing Rights on the north side of the salmon river in Altmar , NY if they purchase land on the north bank.
They have already purchased property on the south bank and have made that area a private resort lodge excluding the public fishermen.
 Public fishing rights are just that PUBLIC.   Privatizing any areas that are now public on a river that is stocked with fish that are funded with PUBLIC tax dollars would be a travesty.
If there is any truth to this matter of New York State allowing a private company to be excluded from the permanent statue of a PFR then it will be a sad day for the sportsman and women of New York.
I strongly urge you to not support any such action:
Thank you:
Clinton Stelmashuck
2014/03/20 20:41:46
hot tuna
I'm sure you would only wish it restricted to those with blond hair and blue eyes as well , for lack of a better term.
I have nothing more to say to you except stay in Ohio and spend your chump change there to support your own fishery .
2014/03/20 20:50:08
Make it $1000 per month for SR access during October....I am all in.....I am tired of cheap locals...wooohooooo.....
2014/03/20 20:59:09
aha, love it Coldfront....I don't like cheap fishermen....now pony up and enjoy the best stream east of the Rockies.....

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