IMHO this was kinda typical of internet nuttiness-
A story started by an anonymous source followed by mass hysteria in some quarters complete with conspiracy theories about political interference, bad courts and how money can get stuff through the courts and political halls all to the general determent of john Q and the betterment of some singular party.
Most all responses were torn apart line by line on various forums with a very negative point of view complete with the aforementioned conspiracies to the point of indicating we were being lied to by the govt agencies involved- because after all they are always trying to GET us little guys.
Sad stuff---which, unfortunately, is not limited to this issue.
Congrats to those who wrote the letters and to those who wrote back with facts.
Unfortunately this stuff is all too commonplace- just before retiring from elected office some guy wrote a letter to the Editor about how I voted TWICE to cancel something he liked- others chimed in -Truth was the issue never came to a vote even once. Some just love to make up bad stuff- then actually believe it lol.