2014/04/02 14:30:27
IMHO this was kinda typical of internet nuttiness-
       A story started by an anonymous source followed by mass hysteria in some quarters complete with  conspiracy theories  about political interference, bad courts and how money can get stuff through the courts and political halls  all to the general determent of john Q and the betterment of some singular party. 
      Most all responses were torn apart line by line on various forums with a very negative point of view complete with the aforementioned conspiracies to the point of indicating we were being lied to by the govt agencies involved- because after all they are always trying to GET us little guys.
      Sad stuff---which, unfortunately, is not limited to this issue.
Congrats to those who wrote the letters and to those who wrote back with facts.
     Unfortunately this stuff is all too commonplace-  just before retiring from elected office some guy wrote a letter to the Editor about how I voted TWICE to cancel something he liked- others chimed in -Truth was the issue never came to a vote even once. Some just love to make up bad stuff- then actually believe it  lol.
2014/04/02 14:30:34
hard to believe, some one over reacting and trying to stir up trouble on the salmon river.....
2014/04/03 07:48:10
IF you don't keep on top of NY Politicos, they get up in the middle of the night, and you are left with the SAFE act.
2014/04/03 10:48:52
I don't see why people made such a big deal over this...back when they first put the fence up I spoke with the fella who was putting up the fence that overhangs the river bed... he had mentioned something about the other side... I checked pfr maps (even though I already had in the past) and sure enough it was highlighted as pfr... what people should be looking in to is their true boundary marker on the south bank... on the county map it shows it to the bank only and not to the middle... this would allow fishing withing the river bed on the south bank which would allow drift boats to lark on that side...

And that my friend is the real question. Someone needs to see the survey map, or ask the DEC officer for the area, what his opinion is on ownership and make him seek out the survey map. No one wants to be accused of unlawful trespassing. 
2014/04/03 15:40:13
I saw the survey for the SOUTH side that was handed out in the town of Albion meetings when woodbine was first proposing their project planning... it matches the one on the county site which shows an irregular boundary along the river bank and in some spots it goes a little in to the river bed... but nowhere does it go to the middle
2014/04/03 15:53:15
       Some  computer info  showing local property lines are right  on for my place so I consider the ones ( like clint was putting up) are pretty accurate. One thing to remember though is that they are shown on a photo from further south than the actual river and what looks like it may be back a bit in the trees may actually be on/or close to the bank in many spots due to the angle. There is one area where it does seem to jump out into the river for a bit on all the maps I have seen.
 Put any Pulaski address  in the putor and then go to the block saying that address and 'public,  then go to the birds eye map and zoom in and out till you get to the distance with the property lines being shown-ya can scroll over to anyplace doing this so just run up the river to the jail.
 Their line does not seem to be right along the rivers edge but close, being in the water here and there -along the edge here and there  and in some places a bit back from the water. One spot is clearly out towards the middle for a short distance on all maps I have found.
Again - am aware that this program is spot on for my place and a few of my neighbors in the same general area so  kinda trust it as fairly  accurate.
Its the one I would carry while fishing and it may be a good idea for some to do just that when going over that way.
2014/04/04 08:51:19
I saw the survey for the SOUTH side that was handed out in the town of Albion meetings when woodbine was first proposing their project planning... it matches the one on the county site which shows an irregular boundary along the river bank and in some spots it goes a little in to the river bed... but nowhere does it go to the middle

Thats good nuff for me. I will be offering ferry rides. $5.00/oneway. $8 round trip, return with fish $3/fish.
2014/04/15 14:15:55
Take a look over on the other forum and see the Tailwater thread similar to ours,  fella posted the State map connection showing the PFR. Map #3 is the area of concern. He also posted his letter of response from the State- Good stuff.
 Hard to tell where the downstream Tailwater line is on the map provided but the PFR is clearly on both sides south of  there and on the North side all the way through.
 Some of you know the bends in the river as well as the off shoot little waters better and will  be more accurate than me in that area.
If I got it right Bear  might be happy.
2014/04/17 09:06:49
i'm always happy
2014/04/23 11:16:52
 I been fishing the Salmon river since the early 70's. I'v put up with crowds of fishermen,I'v put up with snagging fish,changing regulations ,The DSR ,etc,etc. The only reason the Salmon River is the best steelhead and Salmon fishery in the east is because NEW YORK STATE tax dollars made it so!! Out of towners you are all welcome to fish here,just keep your dumb options to your self! And please pick up after your selves , if you bring it in with you then bring it back out!!

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