2008/05/26 19:26:16
do a search on e-bay under metaloid , scroll done and you will see a guys who sells md30's in 1 2 and 3 lot units , it is a discontinued okuma reel a little heavy but has a fantastic drag the only drawback is the lame spare graphite spool , really a nice piece for the price
2008/05/26 20:01:02
I have to agree with plnoldrick on the Daiwa too. I would take a look at the Tierra or maybe the Advantage in the Daiwa lineup.  I have two presidents think they are the 6740 model and have never used them bought them for the river fishing and spooled them with line but never used them.  I should sell them just don't have time I guess.  Maybe I will list them on the board here and get rid of them.   Any way figure out what you are going to use the reel for and then go feel a few in the store. 
2008/05/27 01:55:13
I've had a Quantum Catalyst 20PTi for 4 years now,3 of which I used in saltwater(did not dunk it though) and have had NO problems.It's my favorite reel and rod combo(G-loomis Bronzeback 6'3" MF),all I did was put it in the shower after I used it in saltwater to wash off the salt residue.I fished at least once a week fresh and(mostly) saltwater and would recommend this reel to any family member for $100.The only thing that happened was a superficial piece of the outside started to peel the size of a pencil eraser from the salt.I have by far gotten more than the $100 I paid for it out of it by use.Most importantly you must match the reel to the rod whatever you choose.I was always taught that balancing the reel and rod combo 3-4" in front of where your forefinger will sit on the rod is what is perfect balance.But,everyone is different and may like some other weighting.
Sorry guys,I had to edit this since I thought I had an Energy,but actually have a Catalyst reel.I got it for $99 but I see it in BassPro for $149,sorry.
2008/05/27 10:53:44
I have 4 older okuma's AR 20's been used for carp fishin...
the drag is great and has held up for the last 7 or 8 yrs...
i was looking at the president's at gander and the guy told me phluger made the reels for them so i have been useing them for two seasons and so far so good...
lastly,a few of my buds have Daiwa capricorn's and they are very happy...
Shop around see what you like....
You do know a good drag will be the diference of landing or losing the big one!!!!!
2008/05/27 16:22:06
I love the pflueger president reels and have owned one for the last 5 or 6 years. Recently I bought a quantum pti and I fell in love with it. Its so smooth and has a great drag on it.
2008/05/28 09:15:28
You guys may laugh but, for $34.94 try it before you get too upset.  Walmart has shakespeare.....yes shakespeare reals that are 9 ball bearing for $34.94.  I've had mine for about 4 years now and it has performed perfectly.  Used to to land 4 small muskies in the last two trips.  Very smooth, great drag check it out.  www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=7999950
2008/05/28 16:39:56
I've got one of these and love it.  Best reel that I've ever bought.  I've only had it for 2 years, so can't really give a true durability review.  It does get some good drag workout, and is smooth.  Do a search on this site for spinning reels.  That's what turned me to Okuma.  This was a new model when I was shopping, and thought to give it a shot.
2008/05/29 04:49:10
I use shimano's for spinning reels, they have taken real beatings (mainly saltwater) I guess it boils down to personal likes and dislikes.  There are a lot of quality manufacturors out there.
2008/05/29 12:26:59
The shakespear Agility is a awesome real for the money. 27.00.
the drag is really smooth and I don't think you can beat them.
2008/05/29 14:03:22
I rarely ever see anyone mention a Penn spinning reel-not the new discount ones but the good old black and gold SS models that are still made.

Any thoughts on these?

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