im a daiwa guy so i would say anything from and excelor up is a good choice in my book. the 100$ area is unfortunately loaded with choices so it's tuff for most. best bet would b to go handle some of them and pick what you like. i will say one thing on behalf of daiwas though. if your a stream fisherman or get your reels wet all the time they have sealed drags that cant be beat. if your more into fluidity you might be better served with a shimano, daiwas are kinda raw in thier feeling.
edit. btw if you should choose a quantum like an energy pti or catalyst pti do not get them wet. i had them before and had massive problems with them after i got them wet. i ended up going through a couple before i said the hell with it and just stuck with the daiwas.
and edit again....dont worry about bearing numbers in your decision either. there are only so many places bearings can be used in a reel before they start using them in places they dont need them just to increase the count. most of the time when you see high bearing counts touted by a manufacturer a couple of those bearings are actually handle supports and added bearings to the line roller. you do obviously need bearings in each but do you really need 4 of those 10 bearings in the handle?