I think most of the people trying to take over the little juniata, never even lived around here let alone fished it 30 years ago, I for one do not like the fact I cant keep a couple to eat ,after all I grew up along the little juniata, and fishing was started because people like to eat fish. then came the rich guys and the orvis clowns, look at me we will pay off the political people in the fish commission and have the regulations changed so we can sport fish. kinda like the rich guys who pay to hunt but dont eat what they kill, they just do it for fun, real men so to speak. Now here is some food for thought for all you catch and release guys you say that if I keep a few I am hurting the fishery Bull********* I used to fish for musky at raystown and all these so called bass fisherman with 80,0000 dollar bass boats would tell me those damm musky were eating all the bass and none would be left. well 30 some years later the musky are still there and so are alot of trophy bass, so If some people ate a few trout for dinner It would not hurt at all and you orvis guys know it, I BUY A FISHING LICENSE AND A TROUT STAMP TOO. Tired of special intrest groups who think they control the little juniata, cause fishing was for food in the first place. I for one love to eat trout, and I do not want power grabbers changing the rules. not the way God intended it.