I agree that having the river org. can be a good thing, but I feel that they are forgeting that having less fisherman able to fish the river means less support. At this point, I cant help but feel one of their original objectives was to make the river ffo. Afterall, Donny Beaver mentioned in the newspapers and on the SRC website, that he worked closely with the little juniata river assoc. to change the regulations. This is a major reason why I would never join the LJRA.
More fisherman means more people looking out for the river. Take away people from the river, and you take away watchfull eyes that will report dumping along the river, fish kills, illegal activity, and so on... Us flyfishers cant forget that we arent the only people who are concerned about our waters.
There are plenty of fly fisherman who think they are conservationists simply because they are carrying a fly rod, or a TU membership card. These are often the same people who, when they catch suckers, throw them up on the bank, forgetting that suckers are more native than most of the trout they fish for. I guess my point is, some flyfishers, even though they believe they're conservationists, are quite the opposite. If you take away everyone but fly fishers, you'll still have people that grip the fish too tightly, use barbed hooks, and hold fish out of the water too long during glamour shots.
Sorry for the rant....