Now that Donny Beaver is done trying to take over the Little J, I've heard a lot of talk about wanting to make it bait free. People like Bill Anderson and Brian "Ranger" Keen are running the Little Juniata River Association with a main objective to make the Little Juniata bait free and eventually fly fishing only (according to some old posts on various forums by Brian Keen). They consider this action protecting the stream. Do you think this would be right? Isn't this basically what Donny Beaver was doing... deciding who should and shouldn't be allowed to use the Little Juniata?
The reasons I don't think it's a good idea are for one, I don't think Allan Bright (Spruce Creek Outfitters), PADEP, PAFBC, or DCNR took the case to court for everyone except bait fishermen. They did it for the public in general. Two, any type of fishing is still a blood sport. We all kill fish no matter what tackle we're using and how careful we are. Three, I've seen a lot of bait fisherman handle and release fish a hell of a lot better than a lot of fly fisherman. Four, I became attached to fishing by starting with bait on the Little J. I only fly fish now, but I'm not sure I would be doing that if it wasn't for starting with a spinning rod. If my family had waited to take me fishing until I was 10 and could control a fly rod, I'd probably have been into too many other things to get into it. And six, the most important, the more people, including bait fisherman, which use the Little J the better. Used public resources are generally better protected from people like Donny Beaver than unused resources.
Also, Donny Beaver has sited multiple times the great work he has done with the Little Juniata River Association to change the regulations from Trophy Trout to Catch and Release on the Little Juniata. While I think that was an OK change, why would you team up with Donny Beaver to convince PFBC about anything? Seems fishy. I'd like to hear what the general opinion is out there. I'd also suggest making sure Doug Austen, the PFBC Director, knows your opinion. I've heard the issue will be before the PFBC commissioners in April. It will be bad in my opinion if only the Little Juniata River Association and its few members are the only voices heard. I believe Doug Austen's email is The PFBC also has a comment section on their website at Not sure who gets the comments, so I'd suggest sending a message to Austen and the website comment.