I hear you on the kitchen sink approach. I hate using live bait, unless I know that I have to. Usually in the spring, plastics work, but not so much this spring...
Of course, the only day that I can get out is tomorrow. Kids activities are somehow early morning only and not smack in the middle of a weekend day for once. I probably should be working on my pool deck, but lumber prices have me thinking to wait. I am hearing mixed info. Prices could drop in a month or so, or they can stay this way forever... Probably going to have to bite the bullet and just suck up the additional $300-$400 in costs. It is at least a convenient excuse to go fishing!
I'm at a bunch of clients next week, so if I do get out during the week, it will be going after meetings. Meetings can be 2 hours or could be 7 hours. Really depends on what comes up on sites, how many people and how intricate they want to be. So can't really