• Northwest PA
  • What On Earth Are They Doing To Woodcock??!! (p.4)
2021/03/12 16:02:42
No sense in bickering amongst ourselves...the real issue is what is the ACOE going to do to rectify their heinous error?
2021/03/12 18:13:34
The gauge froze and for 24 hours the lake was 3 ft lower. According to eyewitness accounts in news stories the lake was almost back to winter pool and no dead fish were visible. The lake didnt drain totally out
2021/03/12 22:05:32
solitario lupo
Lets hear your plan, please dim it down for my sake since your backhanded vague comments are way above my head. 

Not asking for a plan. Just saying you would think the fish commission would try to do something. Since we pay a lot of money for those fish. Not saying they have to go swim for the fish.
Now my real plan is having to find another lake to fish.
2021/03/13 17:48:16
Tammarack would have been the best option due to proximity but I think it happened so fast, there wasn't a lot that could reasonably be done.  Trying to get to the fish left in the lake streambed and holes probably wouldn't have worked due to the mud and muck....
No way am I putting any blame on the fish commish on this one.  
2021/03/16 20:48:47
The gauge froze and for 24 hours the lake was 3 ft lower. According to eyewitness accounts in news stories the lake was almost back to winter pool and no dead fish were visible. The lake didnt drain totally out

These " eyewitnesses " obviously didn't see what I saw a week ago when I drove over. I'll give them that the lake didn't "totally" drain out. The creek channel looked to still have water. Probably just 20ft or so lower than winter pool, based on many years of fishing the hardwater.
2021/03/16 22:06:15
The gauge froze and for 24 hours the lake was 3 ft lower. According to eyewitness accounts in news stories the lake was almost back to winter pool and no dead fish were visible. The lake didnt drain totally out

Wrong, wrong, so wrong.  Just asking, did you even look at the pictures that were posted in this very thread?  
2021/03/17 11:39:37
solitario lupo
The gauge froze and for 24 hours the lake was 3 ft lower. According to eyewitness accounts in news stories the lake was almost back to winter pool and no dead fish were visible. The lake didnt drain totally out

Wrong, wrong, so wrong.  Just asking, did you even look at the pictures that were posted in this very thread?  

I saw pictures on other sites where they had the kids playing around in the middle of the lake bed pretty much. That’s why I was just thinking how much B.S. that there are blowing around. The funny thing is weren’t there supposed to be ice fisher people fishing. Could they have fallen threw the ice if it collapsed. They could have killed them.
2021/03/23 21:12:51
 Ok, as most of you know there is a huge "Headquarters" office building on the hill that overlooks the lake at the dam. Can't remember if it is PA Fish Commission or Corps of Engineers??? But, its one of them and it has employees working outta there. However, IT DOES'NT MATTER!  There is NO WAY IN HELL, that the lake could drain without somebody knowing or recognizing it right away.  Its just NOT humanly possible!!!  Yinz seen the above pictures.  The D4MN lake was drained!  Don't fall for the ruse or it being downplayed.
 There HAS to be more to the story. A gauge freezing and the lake draining to just the main channel is JUST NOT possible.  I can see it happening at some desolate location, but this lake is ALONG A MAIN ROAD and has the people IN CHARGE OF IT, overlooking the entire lake, out of their office window at least 8 hrs a day, every day.
 Removing, reports from a Facebook page, not alerting the public or an attempted "cover-up, is also JUST AS INCOMPETENT & criminal.  All "just cause" for a lawsuit. The fishing public needs to know the truth. People shouldn't be "tricked" into spending their hard earned scarce dollars planning a trip there, NOT KNOWING what happened.  I DON'T understand trying to keep it quiet either. Probably trying to protect the 2 or 3 businesses from losing their fisherman clientele. EVEN the businesses have a responsibility & should be going public. If, I went and spent my hard earned scarce dollars at a business there, and they flat out didn't tell me, or tried to "DOWNPLAY the significance of this, I would be PI$$ED & never return, doing what ever I could to "CALL them out" on social media.
 This forum, is almost, the ONLY place you can find anything referencing this incompetence & borderline criminal act.  And what, this "thread" gets like 15 people viewing it? This needs to be on the local news in Pittsburgh, Erie, etc. I know, this is the first I heard of it & I have family in the area.
Someone, some organization needs to be held accountable. This is, as bad as, the incompetence & disaster that was Tamarack & Somerset lakes. It's 2021 NOT 1947.
Update: Seems there are articles out there when you do a Google search: "Woodcock Creek News". They all say the same thing; officials are being quiet, info being removed, & NO fish kill observed by these official orgs, but no reports to confirm that from the general fishing public. I did see an article that stated one of the open drains was 3 FT by 3 FT and the other was 8 FT by 4 FT. Both big enough to suck out, just about all the Musky, Smallmouth & other species. Here are 2 of the articles I found:
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2021/03/24 07:47:13
You do understand that those areas in the pictures are waterless during winter reguardless? The areas that have water were all frozen over. They always bring it way down for winter pool. The lake drained out over night. Pictures from people that live there showed the ice cap which hid the lake draining. The ice also hid what the exact effects of the draining would be.
2021/03/24 08:56:17
I don't understand your post.  Are you defending the Corps covering this up?  Are you saying the fish are fine and Woodcock will be normal fishing this year and the next say 5 years?  Are you trying to say something else?  The ice didn't cover up the water level at the dam outlet.  When you can see it all the way down to the channel, no matter how much ice coverage there is, you know there is an issue.  
And how do they let a lake completely drain overnight?  I would think several people would be fired or at least severely reprimanded over this.  I don't even fish Woodcock but still makes me angry to see fishing opportunity taken away due to a grievous mistake like this.

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