2021/02/17 18:53:15
hot tuna
Fichy, I would think being lumped into the adirondack region would have been the best shot, at getting a shot. They were the best region at administering, all be it the lowest doses due per population but most all who wanted, got.
I also know of folks living in Jay and others traveling to just inside the blue lines with good success at appointments.
It's the NYC areas that are eating up our mid Hudson valley and Capitol region allotments by traveling up the taconic to their second homes.
2021/02/17 19:44:11
I'm going by the official site and actually having filled out the application, chosen from the sites offered me , not by speculation.  I was offered Plattsburgh, Utica, and  Potsdam. Utica and Plattsburgh disappeared almost immediately. All other sites were closed.  People in my town that got to apply earlier went to Glens Falls,  Fort Edward, and Utica. I have zero doubt there were those driving north to get vaccinated in the mid Hudson and Capital region. F........  thieving travesty.  Your sister is worth far more as a human being than some  slimy investment banker in his Porsche Cayenne heading to the chalet or  ranchette.  
I met your shark fishing buddy, I have no doubt a party is going on. Not for me, though . I am doing web music and did a  Zoom acoustic blues concert.  
2021/02/17 19:59:29
hot tuna
Again I hope you find a location and have a great trip.

Hopefully this shall pass sooner than later. Its been a long tough 365 days.
Another high school alumni passed from covid this week. Hopefully this passes sooner than later.
2021/02/18 08:02:05
Gotta look around and be your own best advocate for the shots-
seems every place giving them is allotted a certain amount of doses and makes reservations accordingly.
A week ago I called the local health dept for a shot reservation- they said 2 to 3  months wait and would call back much later with a reservation.
Not wanting all my eggs in one basket I also called the State number- they called back a week later and said to call the local Health dept.
OK figured that was that-- 2 or 3 months at best.
Few days later my wonderful Wifey called a Hospital and got me a shot for this Sunday---they had multiple open reservation dates.
Seems they all get separate allocations and if ya shop around ya just might hit a place with openings.
Steel may well be back on the horizon---
2021/02/18 08:48:57
Glad it worked out, Trev. NY is a bit different and sketchy. I think our Governor is politically done for, as the FBI has kicked off an investigation.  I'm hoping for a change, maybe to a brilliant moderate Republican  like Chris Gibson if people can convince him to run. Common sense govt. with integrity and transparency would be great. He's got a great professorship and book deals, so it's tough.  He is a true public servant though, and had a stellar career in the Army. Just because Cuomo is  on TV everyday doesn't mean the crisis is being handled well. Some states are reporting 2 mile long car lines, so it could be worse. I'm an  independent that is just a little left on most issues, but will and have voted R when I liked the candidate. I like Mr. Gibson.
   I was thinking of breaking out the 10'  7wt. and sinking some sculpin flies in the Battenkill trophy stretch. I used to average one good wild  brown over 17" every 6 hrs. or so, but I haven't gone in awhile. River is  pretty iced right now.   I use to  fish the  Hudson locks with a sinking line and black bunny leeches for walleyes this time of year.  Not now. Upper Hudson is a giant skating rink in most places, but the ice on the ponds suck because of the frozen rain over snow. Bad crusty walking in my area.  I really think I'll take a suicide run to the river next month. My wife  has a ton of vacation so I can get her to help with the drive on a weekday. I had a dream I was fishing a pool that was kind of like the kiddie and landed a huge bright steelhead.  Best dream I've had in awhile.  I may get a few hours in on my vaccination runs, because I can  fish the river early and leave for my vaccine  around noon.  That's three possible days!  Things are looking  brighter.  
2021/02/18 09:06:23
I really dont care if I catch one or not- just want to go up there and fish and relax after a year of  living like a scared hermit and then gettin blasted anyhooo with something getting real scarey septic outa the blue.
Thanks to several doctors thats over- I hope.
Think I will go old school and stick with the light spinner and blue sacs this time - but the 5 wt will be available too.
Might want to keep it real simple and that spin outfit has lots of luck attached to it and its easy to use.
2021/02/18 10:22:57
My wife is on priority list as a teacher. She is waiting until the seniors and those with real health issues get theirs. She is healthy and younger. If more like her, there wouldn’t be such a log jam. If the states aren’t going to make wise decisions then citizens can.
2021/02/18 11:02:36
Surprisingly -after all the co-morbidity hype- no place I contacted gave a rats butt about the heightened morbidity issues.
They just  lumped all together based on age.
I was a bit surprised at that and had brought it up to all contacted.
2021/02/18 12:02:08
Surprisingly -after all the co-morbidity hype- no place I contacted gave a rats butt about the heightened morbidity issues.
They just  lumped all together based on age.
I was a bit surprised at that and had brought it up to all contacted.

Different state. Different rules and distributions. That's how it's been set up. Feds buy and get it to the states for distribution. What happens after that....  If I had to wait (and HT's sister, too) for age class , I'd  be waiting until June or more. 6 weeks isn't bad for me.   If Conn. has the age limit quite a bit lower than 65 I could see not bothering with co- morbidities.  The monoclonal antibody treatments are pretty well available now. This is what Trump got and was only available to the wealthy. Now it's been mass produced and reduces hospital stays and fatalities by a large percentage if administered when  symptoms first arise. This will definitely help.  Covid will get under control , the economy is going to climb  and open up.  Don't let your guard down yet, but we're gaining. 
2021/02/18 12:11:17
registration for 65  just started here last week.
Many places not giving shots for this group till this week.
Over 75 and front liners was before this.
Think that after the over 65 grouping it may get crazy with the rest of the population being pretty much in line= hope they get a big increase of doses for them.
Infection rates are already dropping and will likely decrease dramatically with the more vulnerable groups being inoculated.
Hope thats the case so Canada will open up- have a Canadian Rockies trip planned late Summer.

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