2021/02/16 06:32:01
Thanks, but I know you mean it sarcastically. 
2021/02/16 07:57:14
hot tuna
What I mean is people are driving all over the place to get a vaccine. You have to go back to original site for second dose. It's not something we are going to do. Vermont is close to you so I can understand. I don't understand though why states allow out of state to get in line before in state. As what's happening in NY as well.
Also my wife ,mother in law and 2 friends went to SUNY Albany and said they were set up top notch.
Hopefully our nitwits in charge will stop playing politics and do things that should be done correctly.
Maybe with pharmacies now, it will be more available as long as above sentence prevails.
Good luck in finding a place.
No sarcasm intended
2021/02/16 19:30:43
A local pharmacy is having a clinic this week. Appointment sign ups start noon tomorrow. I'm going to try and get on. See if I can get my Uncle an appt also. They are limiting to Lawrence Co residents only, so maybe times won't fill up in 5 minutes. Hopefully more like 15 or 20.
2021/02/16 21:39:07
hot tuna
Good luck and willing.
What happens here is say we get 10 k doses in our region per say. 50% of those are set aside for the privileged., per say. 25 %of those are utilized. The other 50% goes into the mass " chase race " . About 8 % go to out of state that get an appointment made on the internet. Pretty much leaves the average joe dirt, a 1% chance at this point.
No matter, we've been doing things just fine. At this point, hopefully the masses get their dose
2021/02/17 15:47:50
There are no vaccines for Joe and Jill Dirt right now, unless they are medical, emergency, essential etc.., over 65, or have some heavy duty medical issue. I looked again at the availabilities and for myself, Potsdam in the middle of April was the only one available.  So I'll stick to  the March 30th appointment there. I'm sure professionals get different treatment. Vaccines for later on are still to be delivered from the Mfg's. , hope to God they come through. If we don't get this under control soon the mutations will make things very difficult. 
I'm flying to the Southwest in April and trying to fish, go into some desert wilderness, camp  and visit some  remote cliff dwellings. I don't know if I'll make it to next Spring, so I'm not waiting. I'll wear a mask and shield  , use disposable gloves and hand sanitizer, the truck we rented is Covid cleaned before pick-up and we bring our own dehydrated meals to rehydrate with water from my backpack stove. Can't be any worse than the in and out of  hospital cancer wards that I do now. NM and AZ are allowing people in without quarantine, just asking for extreme caution and common sense. It was my dream to live on my land on New Mexico one day, I'll at least stop and stand on it, maybe  I'll even camp and watch the sunrise over Manzano Peak's 10,000 feet.
Someone sent me an offer on it last week out of the blue. I'm not selling, I'll keep the dream.  
Next month, I may beg Nancy to help me with a suicide run. Speaking of dreams, I was fishing something that was like the kiddie pool and fought and caught a gigantic steelhead the other night. Best **** dream I've had in quite  awhile, and I even had a flying dream a few weeks ago...I'm guessing I can go early , avoid people, stay in the river,  and drive home in the afternoon. Here's hoping you are well or getting better, or better days are coming. I know Jack and Trev and Gerry and Clint , all have their own medical crosses to bear.  Get out there while and when you can, it'll be worth it.
2021/02/17 16:32:11
hot tuna
Average joe dirt people were getting vaccinated if you had the right connections or met a meaningless criteria. This I know for fact. It's tightened up considerably now that the mass people in need has been allowed out of the gate per our state leader who let the joe dirts in politically but now crying vaccine poverty but keeps opening new mass sites without the goods to support. Sad , sad stuff.

Enjoy the trip. You'll probably find that the precautions are nowhere near out there as they are here.
Most I know in the south and west think we are crazy for the things we're doing.
As always live life like there's no tomorrow because tomorrow never knows.
2021/02/17 16:54:46
Me and my wife got lucky last week receiving our first vaccination of Moderna at a nearby high school in eastern Dutchess County.  Since we are both over 65 we were fortunate enough to get registered after numerous attempts.  We even got a call from the County Executives staff to confirm our appointments.  The process went off as scheduled without any undue delay other than me having to speak to a nurse due to my issues with cancer.  We are scheduled for our second vaccination March 13.
As for reaction, nothing more than some muscular discomfort in the area of the injection.  Within 36-48 hours the discomfort was gone.  I've had flu shots that resulted in greater discomfort. 
Good luck to those still waiting.   
2021/02/17 17:20:57
hot tuna
Average joe dirt people were getting vaccinated if you had the right connections or met a meaningless criteria. This I know for fact. It's tightened up considerably now that the mass people in need has been allowed out of the gate per our state leader who let the joe dirts in politically but now crying vaccine poverty but keeps opening new mass sites without the goods to support. Sad , sad stuff.

Enjoy the trip. You'll probably find that the precautions are nowhere near out there as they are here.
Most I know in the south and west think we are crazy for the things we're doing.
As always live life like there's no tomorrow because tomorrow never knows.

New Mexico is currently enforcing  a $ 100 fine for mask non-compliance,  Az. has mask requirements but it varies by county. Maricopa, which includes Phoenix, is the strictest. My nephew's wife came within a hair's breadth of dying from Covid  in November. She works in a nursing home there. She told me it's no different than what precautions we take, except for a few cowboys.  I spoke with a friend who lives on the San Juan this morning and he told me guides and clients are wearing masks.  Not everyone is interested in killing family and neighbors by accident  or feels it's an infringement to wear a mask and follow common sense protocols.  Even Mardi Gras was socially distanced and my wife's best friend who lives in Nawlins said it was sad, but fairly  safe. I am not a libertarian, by any means, so I may be biased, but I  wouldn't travel if I thought there were looser standards at my destination.  Even an electrical engineer I know who has offices in Troy and Phoenix and  is  pretty radical is wearing a mask in stores, both here and there.  I plan as little contact as possible, but it is good to know that people are trying.
2021/02/17 17:31:09
Me and my wife got lucky last week receiving our first vaccination of Moderna at a nearby high school in eastern Dutchess County.  Since we are both over 65 we were fortunate enough to get registered after numerous attempts.  We even got a call from the County Executives staff to confirm our appointments.  The process went off as scheduled without any undue delay other than me having to speak to a nurse due to my issues with cancer.  We are scheduled for our second vaccination March 13.
As for reaction, nothing more than some muscular discomfort in the area of the injection.  Within 36-48 hours the discomfort was gone.  I've had flu shots that resulted in greater discomfort. 
Good luck to those still waiting.   

Good to hear Gerry, your area got hit early and hard. I now have figured out my snafu. They ask for your zip code, and I, living in the sticks,  get lumped into the entirety of the Adirondacks.  Oh well, my county has had pretty few cases overall and was pretty safe. Good to hear the Moderna is not bad for some, the flu shot is no worse than a tiny mosquito bite for me. Here's hoping.
2021/02/17 18:33:03
hot tuna
That's not the information I'm getting from snowbirds I know that traveled to AZ via their motorhome passing through to the west since November. I also have friends in FL that keep trying to get me there because live music, bars and non social distance is happening.
Its very rare to see people adhering to the standards of the east coast is what I've been told. Safe travels.

Gerry, it's the second dose of modena that is given issues.

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