Man are there people everywhere. I opted for the down stream of Pineville area. I found a good spot because there was a tree in the water just up stream and no one wanted it. It was very manageable, except for a few times. Hookups were numerous bah foul and fair ad I saw no steel on stringers. I beached 2 both males and gave them away. Sorry I left the phone in the car. Now for the stories. Since it was a tough spot I managed to get the tip of my rod tangled in a clustermug on a branch, there was no was it was coming out. I ended up lashing my knife on a long stick and cutting it free , if the DEC would of come by I would of looked like I was spearing them. Overheard the guys next to me saying their buddy had to go home due to getting 4 tickets in one stop. Excessive lifting, leader too long, keeping snagged fish and fishing without license. He had to go home because he could not afford the fines and his room. Now for the best. You ever have that one guy that just knows everything. Well this guy from Maine was that guy, everyone with a fish on he was in their ear on how to hold the rod, how to use the reel and how to net. He literally paced up and down the run and said ''everybody needs to calm down and we will get this right'' Gods gift to the river he was. When he left the guys next to me said ''thank god''. I said '' we can't he just left''. Laugh track inserted here. Hot flies for me were estaz eggs with pink worm out the back.