2016/12/22 09:06:26
Looking to get my son a compound bow soon, and Bucks and Bows in Gibsonia is close and has a good deal on one I'm looking at.  
Any thoughts on the service and knowledge of the guys at B&B - good, bad or otherwise?  Been a long time since I've shot a compound and even then wasn't real knowledgeable myself so looking for a shop that knows their stuff to get him started out.  
2016/12/22 11:05:46
What kind of bow you looking at?
2016/12/22 11:19:13
Diamond Infinite Edge
Mission Craze 2
Mission Hype DT
Among a handful bows that are recommended for teens in various places online to grow into and will last into adulthood.  Those three all seem to have very good reviews for our budget and needs.  
Also be glad to take recommendations on bows that are in the $500 and under price range with everything included.  
2016/12/22 11:30:20
I would go with the Hype DT of those 3. More features on the DT than the Craze 2 with minimal uptick in price.
I'm liking what Mathews has done with the Mission Line
2016/12/22 14:24:11
Was leaning that direction.  Thanks for the feedback.  

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