Nice morning. Definite chill in the air and it was 37F where I parked. Dead calm. Black as coal morning. First time in a couple years I had to actually use a flashlight to walk in. No moonlight and full foliage will do that.
Walked right up on a deer in the dark. Heard it take off when i got to about 10 yds I'm guessing. It didn't go far and it didn't blow so I am not sure it knew what I was.
Had a single fawn come in and mingle around for a 1/2 hr from 8-8:30 am and then a doe and two fawns hung around from 8:50 or so until 9:30am. Shimmied down the tree as soon as they left so I could get into work.
Nice to "smell" the fall air.
I do need to take the youngins in this spot and clear out the squirrels. More than a dozen within my line of sight all morning long as soon as the sun came up. The deer were almost silent in the woods but the squirrels sounded like elephants! Lots of acorns and hickory nuts hitting the ground.
Might be a spotty frost tonight. I may do it again tomorrow morning. I'll be heading out to hit the woods again shortly for my second PM sit of the season to finish off my 1/2 day vacation today. Good luck...