2016/10/08 08:34:23
Was out Friday morning and saw...nada. Had full intentions of being out in the stand this morning with a nice light rain, but after working on grading a driveway for hours yesterday the bed sounded much nicer when the alarm went off this morning. Cooler temps next week will hopefully keep the skeeters at bay and get the deer moving.
2016/10/08 09:30:45
Don't know much about yinz area but sitting in a tree it was 'rock-a-bye' BTDT all morning, wind is out of the NNW and variable, no skeeters this morning what with this wind and a bit of north chill in the air.  Too dad burned windy most of the time to assure a straight shot.  Thought I would do a little still hunting til I walked into a field and saw vehicles parked here and there then it was nope, I ain't driving deer for strangers.  The cheapo's never admit I kicked the deer out for em let alone, come back with any venison for my efforts.  Stupid stupids!!!
I'm thinkin of pulling the cross bow off the wall, get it sighted in and maybe hit the lounge chair in my ground blind late this afternoon.
Never did make Wilhelm earlier this week, I got a wild idea the crappie might be hitting on Shenango... stupid wild idea.
Well I've had my third cup of coffee since getting back this morning and the motion sickness seems to be passing so I think I'll get the cross bow and go see if I can hit the broad side of a barn.
Much luck to yinz.
2016/10/08 21:15:00
Went out Thursday Evening and saw a Grouse and Chippy's. Friday Eve I headed into a leaner I have in a White Oak Stand. Deer scattered, as they were there  before me. I got up the tree and spent the next two hours with deer trying to get back to those Acorns. I think they all knew I was there as I only had small buck and doe come close. Must have heard half a dozen deer blow and they were not winding me. I think they all went just far enough away when I came in and heard me go up the tree. 
 By the way, the acorns were falling steady all around me.
2016/10/08 22:50:30
I made it down to my ground blind when I realized I should have worn, a little more than my shorty shorts which is probably okay 'cause they are camouflaged, 'Real Tree Fig Leaf' but they are not insulated and it was a bit chilly.
Anyway, I sat for a couple hours and saw two woodchucks and three tweety birds so I guess I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Acorns are still green and clinging pretty tight to the trees but they are nice sized this (1st) year and the trees are relatively young so I'm hoping to see the same type of mast over the next couple years.
2016/10/10 12:46:47
Been out quite a few times beginning in Allegheny County in September. One evening, last week,  I passed three legal bucks up. Two 7 points and an 8 point. Not seeing many does. My main goal early on is to get some meat in the freezer then focus on bucks but the last few years it just hasn't worked out.
I did draw a permit to hunt Pittsburgh Airport property. Was in there once and didn't see anything on stand. Saw a little buck and some does walking out on an adjacent property. I hope to get back in there tonight.
Saw a monster this morning driving to work on airport property. He was working a licking branch. 4 up on his left beam and looked to have about an 18 inch spread.
2016/10/10 14:38:46
Nice morning.  Definite chill in the air and it was 37F where I parked.  Dead calm.  Black as coal morning.  First time in a couple years I had to actually use a flashlight to walk in. No moonlight and full foliage will do that.  
Walked right up on a deer in the dark.  Heard it take off when i got to about 10 yds I'm guessing.  It didn't go far and it didn't blow so I am not sure it knew what I was.
Had a single fawn come in and mingle around for a 1/2 hr from 8-8:30 am and then a doe and two fawns hung around from 8:50 or so until 9:30am.  Shimmied down the tree as soon as they left so I could get into work.
Nice to "smell" the fall air.  
I do need to take the youngins in this spot and clear out the squirrels.  More than a dozen within my line of sight all morning long as soon as the sun came up.  The deer were almost silent in the woods but the squirrels sounded like elephants!  Lots of acorns and hickory nuts hitting the ground.  
Might be a spotty frost tonight. I may do it again tomorrow morning.  I'll be heading out to hit the woods again shortly for my second PM sit of the season to finish off my 1/2 day vacation today.  Good luck...
2016/10/10 20:18:01
Nice cool afternoon to be out. Around 6 had a single doe sneak in behind me and go right under the stand. Had her dead to rights at 5 yds, but she was kinda small so she got the pass tonight. Might not be as lucky next time. Was happy to at least see one tonight. Wish I was off tomorrow morning.
2016/10/10 21:46:58
Foggy this morning and it seemed like it was going to take all morning to burn off so I chose to stay away until this afternoon.  Did make it out for the last two hours of daylight, choosing to do a little stalking which of course turned out to be a mistake.  The wind was from the NWN so I began my trek heading east along the north edge of my field, watching into the neighbors pasture.  Continued to the the far NE corner where I was hassled by those 'elephant sized squirrels'  that eyes had to contend with so I set course, to finish out the day, for a ladder stand located to my SW and overlooking another neighbors bean field.   Toooo late, shoulda went there to begin with,  I got spotted by two deer standing at woods edge and far enough away that I couldn't tell, by what daylight was left, what they were.   Good news, I did spot a rub albeit, on a very small sapling...  but it was a rub!
Weather dude is calling for frost to start in my area sometime after 3:00 AM and last through 8:00 AM so I'm thinking it may be a bit crunchy for stalking and good morning for sleeping in.
Good luck guyz still lots-O-time!!!!
2016/10/10 23:42:59
Was out this afternoon stayed in stand until dark and yes a chill in the air which is nice... have to have the leaves drop for sure pretty hard seeing ... saw 2 doe Sneaking though thicket ...that's it . Checked camera and some doe and this boy again last night had another small buck maybe a 6pt ...think they're just messing with me now ... it is getting personal for me😜😡....

2016/10/10 23:53:57
I dunno Steve, that tree sure looks like the same tree in my back yard, just where is that stand of yours? lol
He's a beaut buddy, here's wishing you the best of luck.
Just out running my dogs for their nighty nite pee and I see I got frost building on a vinyl cover beside my deck.  Brrrr!

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