Good story Crappie_Slayer, I could feel the thumping as you watched the action.
Sat at ground level from 2:30 PM til dark yesterday. Heard coyotes firing up, just at sunset, followed by answers from neighboring dogs.
Earlier in the day I set more yard markers at my other stands, now that most of the ground foilage has fallen.
20 yds in the woods sure do look different than 20 yds on the shooting range.
Never saw as much as a tail from the ground blind and with the buck becoming careless in the coming days I'm thinking it's time to stow the blind for now. Besides, inquiring minds begin to wonder when spending too much time, dressed like a tree so I've been wondering why, I have been sitting in a flimsy nylon thingy on the ground when I could be (should be) sitting high off the ground (8 ft(<>)) in a cozy wood structure.
Mind you, this is not my fault but the fault of my better half. She is the one who bought me that stupid "metric" adjustable wrench.
Everyone knows, when a guy gets a new tool, something is gonna get built.
Now when the next honey-do list comes out, I need to tell my wife I need a left handed...... hammer.
I'd love to be a "mouse in the corner" when my better half ask the dude at Home Depot....... for that one.