2016/11/02 12:59:31
Bob pictures of your pointer would be fine but then again I am a bit partial to German Shorthaired Pointers.

Mopars it's a must to stay in your tree until 10:15 if you want to see that big guy you have pictures of. But take a BIG lunch that's PM. LOL

I'm hearing loads of grunting, growling and, crashing going on. Loggers have moved in a 1/4 mi. to my East taking out a bunch of trees.

So, the bean field to my South has been cleared, the woods to my East is being cleared and my neighbor to my North is clearing his fence.

Could it be any clearer; I am having a ball!
2016/11/02 13:13:19
Bob pictures of your pointer would be fine but then again I am a bit partial to German Shorthaired Pointers.

Mopars it's a must to stay in your tree until 10:15 if you want to see that big guy you have pictures of. But take a BIG lunch that's PM. LOL

I'm hearing loads of grunting, growling and, crashing going on. Loggers have moved in a 1/4 mi. to my East taking out a bunch of trees.

So, the bean field to my South has been cleared, the woods to my East is being cleared and my neighbor to my North is clearing his fence
great dog.  12 years old and still looks like a pup... right now he is sleeping under the wifes desk without a care in the world...
2016/11/04 11:48:32
No deer for me I'm beginning to think there extincted, 7/12 sits no deer worst season ever depression is beginning to set in . Heard teal on the swamp last night the 14th can hurry up no bucks let's just kill ducks
2016/11/05 09:15:59
My last 3 sits I saw one deer. Shooter buck at 50 yards. Most of season have been seeing deer every night. 
Don't give up just yet. The week before the rut can be a tough time. If they aren't chasing yet can be real tough.. It will explode the last week and all will be good in the deer woods..
2016/11/05 09:30:31
I've been seeing deer the first and last hour of light. Small bucks cruising and doe sneaking around. Put doe #2 down Thursday evening just need some antlers now!
2016/11/05 11:16:22
My youngest Pointer was just fussing in the kennel and when I looked out the window there was a four point buck standing in the yard ten feet from the kennel having a stare down with her.
2016/11/05 11:57:13
In stand last evening & this morning saw 2 small bucks last night both not legal 4 doe sneaking around not close enough anyway .... 1 buck this morning with nose right to ground , grunted but he wasn't interested... lol. Oh well it was fun .... yep things are picking up ...
2016/11/05 12:17:39
So, have yinz missed me since my last rant?  Well I am back to tell yinz about the great time I've been having!
Looked out my front window early Tuesday morning and seeing such a gorgeous day about to blossom I thought I would head to my tree stand at center field.  
Figured the neighbor wouldn't be working the fence to my north til afternoon and I might get a view of a elusive PA. White Tail heading to or from the pasture.    Quickly dawned my make-up, dressed in my look-like-a-tree camouflage attire and beat feet out the door. 
Just in time to see a Dutchman high stepping through the pasture on his way, I'm supposing to set-up or, to check his trap line at the swamp.
Well I figured there's always tomorrow or the next day, but I can pretty much write off the the field and pucker brush to my north if the area is now being trapped.
Wednesday, still sulking from the day before, I finally convince myself it might be to my advantage to get out bright and early in the afternoon but this time, sit in my tree stand overlooking the now cleared bean field to my south.  Hoping enough time has passed and the deer have since returned to that area since the combine worked the field.  Even gave it some wishful thinking that the Dutchman might even chase one or two elusive PA. White Tail from the pucker brush to my north and they to would join the others in the now cleared bean field to my south.
Quickly applied my make-up, dressed in my look-like-a-tree apparel and out the door, off the steps toward the bean field and wham there before me a huge deer, broadside!
Stupid winter wheat!!!!   OK, so there is tomorrow and still plenty of time.  Except this time, I ain't going hunting tomorrow and hunting I did not go!  Had to finish-up on that get-r-done list which I got away from because, I told the better half I needed a metric Cresent Wrench to work on one of the items.  Damed if she didn't find one at Home Depot!
Of course I kept in mind, while looking at the metric measurements stamped in the side of my new wrench, tomorrow is another day and there certainly remains plenty of time.
Let me make this perfectly clear, the next morning (yesterday) I AM in my ground blind before sun-up but to get there in time I chose not to wear my make-up or my look-like-a-tree garmits.  I say perfectly clear because when the sun came out, so did the fog!!
Well the fog did burn off, I think by 10:00 AM or so which was worth waiting for, I guess I could say, because I was treated to a show of gray and fox squirrels romping through the area.  Scurrying here and there, running round the ground blind then scampering away.  Gotta say it was entertaining, until one Gray decided to try it's skill at climbing the blind and ended up right in the window.  Talk about lucky, when that squirrel saw me sitting there it spun around and flew to a nearby tree where it shook it's tail and scolded me for 5 minutes.  Can you imagine what would have happened had I taken time to apply my make-up and dress in my look-like-a tree apparel?   I needed a change of panties as it was. 
Then this morning I see the good news from some yinz comments as it seems, everyone has lost sight of the elusive PA. White Tail and seeing little in the way of the rut.  After reading that information I can at least once again, look toward tomorrow which of course, just screwed-up the plans I made to start fishing.  Thank-yinz very much!!
Good luck to all and watch out for those elusive PA. squirrels..
PS. NO I am NOT in the PA. Wilds this morning...... there's always Monday.
2016/11/05 15:24:01
Slow here...seeing very few deer heading out again hope something happens wont be back out again until Wednesday.
2016/11/06 05:36:17
Congrats on the doe outasync. I'm still out looking for the antlerd ones too. Sat yesterday morning for a few hours and saw nothing. As I snuck out of the woods I almost stepped on a young doe that waited until I was about 15 ft away then decided to shoot up and hightail it out of there.

Decided I'd make it a long afternoon sit and got into another stand around 1. Let out a few soft grunts at 2:30 and shortly after could hear movement headed my way. All of a sudden about 35 yds out across a shallow ravine through the thick understory I can see a small oak tree being absolutely thrashed. Blood pumping with anticipation I waited for him to close the gap into a small opening 25 yds away. Then....the swirling winds that were at my stand yesterday decided to do me no favors and started blowing a straight line from me to him. Shortly after I caught a few glimpses if him sauntering away in the direction he came from. Tried to get him to turn with a few more grunts but no luck. Saw nothing but squirrels the rest of the afternoon. Oh well, back at it next week.

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