2016/10/26 14:41:18
[/URL]. BTDT .... this was on my camera this afternoon was Sat. night at 1:45 AM ... so he is still there had a spike & small 6 pt also a few doe also. No new scrapes , things still kinda slow. Cleaned out some branches around both my stands and ready to go again. Have to see how weather is though. Should be prime time soon... good luck to all... now my race trip was awesome , truck race & Cup race ... Stayed in Atlanta , then got bused to Talladega ( Prime Sports) package deal only way to go.... Atlanta traffic is crazy, Hotel was about 1 mile from Atlanta Falcons stadium , they played at home Sunday went into OT. That me just say thousands of Football & thousands of Nascar fans in same town at same time == one big traffic jam 😜
2016/10/26 15:27:05
Working 4 long days this week to get Friday off to hunt all day. My trail cam pics are still at night for the most part also.
2016/10/26 20:44:21
Saw one doe and one buck tonight he was following her around heard some crashing chasing I'm assuming. Didn't notice it till I got down a ****in squirrel started to chew my bottom strap (wasn't frayed 15 days ago) good time I always wear a harness! Check your straps! I'll be taking another for the morning sit for sure, buddy shot a nice buck this am rattled him in
2016/10/26 23:30:42
Was that buck a decent 10 with some mass but not a lot of spread by chance?
2016/10/26 23:42:28
Good advice on the strap, found something has been gnarling on a seat in the stand I used yesterday.

Mopars that would be a wild vacation buddy, happy to hear you had a really good time. Now top it off by sticking that awesome buck.

Crappie I'm thinking Friday just might be your lucky day. I got the popcorn ready and waiting to see a good picture show.

By golly I fooled Ole Mr Elusive Whitetail today.

I didn't go out.

Weather dude says rain tomorrow so I'm thinking' I'll fool em again.
2016/10/26 23:47:20
I'll be out this weekend hopefully. Have all of next week off so I'll probably sprout some treelimbs or leaves with how much tree time I'll put in!
2016/10/26 23:51:48
Good luck Dave, I got lots of popcorn so put up a bunch of pictures.
2016/10/27 08:41:21
Snuck in and checked the camera last night after work. Decent 7pt with only one brow, few small bucks, and a doe with fawn still in tow. Starting to move earlier in the evening. Counted 5 new scrapes on the 30 yds worth of path I walked. Can't wait to get out tomorrow. Good luck everyone.
2016/10/27 08:51:02
Also have a question for those more knowledgeable than me. Only been archery hunting a few short years and have never done much calling. Got a grunt call and bleat can that I plan on putting some effort into this weekend. My dilemma is that the property I plan on hunting borders I79 which makes for a lot of noise. Would it be a waste of time blind calling with all of the extra noise from the highway? Maybe try some rattlers instead?
2016/10/27 09:19:18
Crappie, remember that deer have a much better sense of hearing than we do and will pick up on it a lot easier than we can. I have never had much luck blind calling. Only have grunted in bucks I've heard or seen first and then again I never have put much effort into it. Rattling has worked the best for me but some years seem better than others.

The area I'm primarily hunting this year has an abundance of small 1 to 1.5 year old bucks. Between the 3 of us we have counted 8 different small guys and at least 17 different doe. 11 of which are also in the 1.5 or younger age group. Hopefully some of the big boys start passing through with the rut heating up!

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