I've never had any problems with my seat. Folds quietly but it doesn't come off. If it is wet usually smacking it will dry it off. I bought the seat cover they sell I think from Roger sporting goods for around $5 to keep rain and snow off it.
I wear the hunter safety system bow hunters harness while hunting. Usually the one that came with it I wear while hanging stands and it's adequate just a little uncomfortable compared to what I'm used to.
Are the climbing sticks the 3 ft sections? I buy the rivers edge 20 ft connect and climb. Easier set up and it's nice having double foot rests for hanging and climbing in or out in the dark. I've come to hate the single sided angled ones. They put me out of commission for almost 2 weeks last year when I caught my knee on the edge of them climbing down. I was in a knee immobilizer for an entire week!