2010/08/03 21:16:46
Hey everybody just wanted to see how detailed you make your fishing logs...i use a simple excel spreadsheet

2010/08/03 21:28:31
Mountian Man
Weather, Type of fish, Bait/Lure/Rig used, Size and weight of fish, Location, Depth, Features of note (only when I first fish an area), Time of capture...

That covers it mostly...
2010/08/03 22:20:47
The day I make a fishing spreadsheet....I quit.
2010/08/03 23:01:36

ORIGINAL: Mr.Slickfish

The day I make a fishing spreadsheet....I quit.

2010/08/04 06:15:03
That sounds like work to me!  I do keep a hunting and fishing journal. I just use a pocket calender(from work). I write down date,what I saw or caught,spot or depth and size if it was big. It at least shows patterns some good some bad.
2010/08/04 11:34:06
A couple of years ago I made up some real nice pads, even got leather folios. They have a place for date, time, temp, location, speed, lure, dipsy settings, pretty much all the info you would need to repeat the process. Funny thing is I never think about filling them out till it's too late. I've had them on the boat for 3 years and haven't even touched them with a pen. Guess that shows a pattern of getting excited when I'm catching fish.
2010/08/04 12:38:59
I just remember the day, the fish, and what it was caught on. I have found that if I write it down the growth of the fish is hindered. So in the interest of conservation I merely keep the fish in unwritten memory where it can grow unhindered. I can still check the length of the fish by bringing it up again in a story. For example, when I was 17 I caught an 8 inch brown trout in elk creek on a white rooster tail. Just an hour later it was a 12 inch brown. Within days it was 14 inches, caught on a home tied fly. Today, that was a 30 inch brown, big hooked jaw that exploded on an irresistible at the back edge of an eddy. Since I was only using a 3 weight I had to....  So you see, I find that an actual record of the fish hinders its ability to become a record fish. Think conservation, don't write it down. 
2010/08/04 13:42:34
2010/08/04 14:12:46
World Famous
I agree with cbeagler; logs would only hinder the growth potential of a lot of my fish. Takes years to be experianced enough to properly calculate growth potential...WF
2010/08/04 17:18:34
"So as far as I am concerned the fish should keep a log on me"

Well said Sir! I sometimes think they know I'm comin'.

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