2015/03/10 18:51:05
Was just looking at the river gauges for some of the area rivers and streams; Little Shenango at Greenville looking like she's beginning to awake.  On the other hand Walnut Creek at Erie might be getting testy; her history line looks  like a EKG graph! 
More rain heading into the area with some of it looking like it might last awhile.
Tonight and tomorrow is gonna bring some really dense fog (not a problem; I been navigating in a dense fog for a long time) so yinz that gotta be out there, be especially careful.
2015/03/10 18:55:11
fog is setting in over here across the state line as we speak.  rain also.
2015/03/11 08:35:26
Was 38 degrees F. this morning as I gazed out of my 'favorite deer stand'.  Visibility was quite low as the fog is dense and further limited  what light was available.  The geese were raising a fuss down at the swamp and I'm wondering if a predator may have been near or, are they just agitated the same as I, with the current weather conditions.  A bit lighter now, and I can see water beginning to show around the edge of what was once deep snow but, now has become heavy ice floating on my pool cover.  Not to far off, about 100 yds. or so, I'm beginning to make out the silhouette of a International Tractor sitting peaceful and calm while waiting for enough snow to melt, so it can once again freely roam the fields and woods in search of firewood. 
On another note, any of yinz happen to know the symptom of stage III "Cabin Fever"?
Gotta go, today is the day I change water in the goldfish bowl.
COMMMMMMMMME ONNnn SPRING ................!      
2015/03/12 11:35:12
About the ice on Lake Erie............ Story and info by ACCUWEATHER.................  over 90% of Lake Erie remains frozen. 
I'm wondering if this is snow covering the area or did the Polar Ice Cap move further South?
2015/03/14 09:27:02
A week after deer season closed; I placed a mineral block on it's side, atop of a cement block.  Yesterday I spotted that mineral block, beginning to reappear.  This morning the mineral block is fully exposed and I think I can see what appears to be the tops of grass stalks, in that same field.
As one would expect, it's raining here in my little piece of Penn's Woods.  Been doing that off and on since, around, 8:00pm last evening.
Good news, got my tractor free; bad news, still no firewood for the man cave. (wife absolutely refuses)
I hope yinz will join me over the next few days in.................  Thinking SPRING!!!!!!!
Your friend and mine;
2015/03/14 13:48:32
Red wings in the yard. Mallards paired up on the creek. Cleveland pears starting to bud.

I say it's here.
2015/03/14 14:01:03
It's so danged foggy here, I couldn't see spring if it was sitting on my porch.  Ditto on the Redwings, a flock of them hit the birdfeeders yesterday (2 one quart and 1 three quart) drained in no time, and one of the feeders is missin'. (lol)  Big old flock of geese on the swamp and looking like some mallards flying around yesterday.  PLUS I got my tractor out........... sweet!
SPRING IS IN THE AIR............  now if we could see some water in the lakes!
2015/03/14 17:27:48
Stopped by a pond today to check the thaw, and there was a man carp fishing. Wasn't catching, but in good spirits none the less. It's coming.
2015/03/15 09:32:55
Skies are gray and cold looking this morning and according to my unofficial "Official Weather Channel Weather Station"; the temperature is 33 degrees, wind is from the WNW with the speed fluctuating between 3 and 7 mph, creating wind chill down around 23 degrees F.
Not exactly the type of weather I would like to see mind you but, I'll gladly take it.  I see by the forecast, Mother Nature is going to tease a bit (typical woman(lol)) by giving us temperatures in the mid fifties with sunshine for tomorrow, than drop the daytime temps back to the low forties with some sun, rain and, possibly snow showers for the rest of the week(for some).
I'll still take it................  I got no choice(within reason(lol))
Think I'll just sit here, in my favorite deer stand , and watch the snow melt.
I'm thinkin' Spring 
2015/03/16 09:41:03
It's a beautiful day in PA (unless you live along the Allegheny at Parker)  Tuesday and Wednesday ain't looking great but, we'll 'worry about that another day'.<---- pun.
Saw my first robins just before sunset yesterday and even more positive, from the pond just to my south, came the calls from a Sand Hill Crane.  If ya never heard one of these guys holler, well, kind a reminds ya of scenes from the movie, "Jurassic Park". 
Since the snow has melted (for the most part) I now see remnants from the 400 lbs. of dog food and 350 lbs. of sunflower bird feed purchased, this past winter.
Please excuse me as I must prepare to arm myself with a wheelbarrow, rake, shovel and of course man's best friend.................., a spring loaded pooper scooper. 
Til next time;
Think spring.  

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