2015/03/06 08:56:18
i wonder if they'll spawn under the ice?
2015/03/06 10:09:29
Pike fishing puts me to sleep. Would rather catch bluegills ;)
2015/03/06 10:16:26
i've caught more pike while fishing for walleye than i have when specifically targeting pike.
2015/03/06 11:00:36
I've caught more pike fishing for bluegills (perch & crappie), than I have targeting them.  At least at Arthur.  I don't find targeting them boring, more frustrating.  Casting 100 times = 98 times of cleaning the weeds off of the lure or leader, and possibly one pike.  Casting 100 times for pan fish, and usually end up with 30-90 bites, 10-40 keeper sized pan fish, 10-40 smaller fish and possibly one pike.  They're seasons seem to overlap, so too tempting to catch the pan fish for me.  I'm sure if I could just keep casting away, it would pay off, like the night bite.  But going on 2 months without any fish left in the freezer, I am usually hunting for a meal early in the year.  I would much rather take home 10 pan fish than nothing.  Although, one nice pike is about the same meat and 1/4 the cleaning.  Getting sick of grocery store fish.
2015/03/06 11:09:44
Pike fishing puts me to sleep. Would rather catch bluegills ;)

 Anything but boring, I'll have to send you some photos in a few weeks. I'd rather fish for Suckers than eyes 
Knew that was commin'... & don't forget to set your clock tomorrow.
2015/03/06 12:50:56
That's low crappie.. that hurts.
2015/03/06 13:02:46
  Sorry but a eye fights like a soft turd compared to a Sucker & Sucker taste purdy good also.
2015/03/06 13:33:14
i wonder if they'll spawn under the ice?

They'll be on the move next week. Many spawn miles from the lake that I won't fish for. Won't even try on top ov spawning areas.
Fried Sucker, baked Sucker, Broiled Sucker, smoked Sucker, Sucker patties, Shake & Bake Sucker, Sucker stew, Sucker spawn, canned Sucker, pickled Sucker ........... Sorta like Shrimp & iv u catch a smaller one 16" or less good bait try that with a eye. 
2015/03/06 14:17:31
Sounds like you need to go to erie and fish walnut in may.. they are everywhere
2015/03/06 14:38:54
  When I moved near Muddycreek over 30 yrs. ago it was like a holiday 'roud here for 'em. spears, bows & rod/reel. Big fish & runs like Salmon.

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