2015/03/04 18:07:06
saw my first pairing of geese today.  also saw some seagulls looking for discarded french fries in a mcdonald's parking lot.  put those shanties away and get the waders out, lads.  it's getting close.
2015/03/04 23:36:59
Rich, sounds like you've had a long Winter. It's going to be awhile yet !
2015/03/05 10:32:18
That's some good insulation...  I hope it didn't fall into the house.
I also saw some geese, and my local pond looked to be about 50% ice free as of 1PM yesterday, from the flood waters piled on top of it.  Guessing the -7 temp over night will lock it back up.  Forecast highs in the 40s & 50s after this weekend, down here in Pgh area.  I agree with Cpt. Hook, it's going to be a while yet.  Hopefully this current dip in the jet stream is the last one for 9-10 months or so.  Going to be some hungry fish in a few weeks!!!
2015/03/05 11:28:31
Pork, did ya get much snow/rain in the 'Burgh' area?  I was watching the camera at Fort Pitt Blvd on 511PA.(that's a sure sign of cabin fever), it's pointed at the river and the water is definitely rising.  Reminds me of a song, to which, I can't think of the words.
I been watching a couple of vultures feeding on some road kill across the road from my place.  Funny (but, not funny) the birds are sinking into the snow right up to their bellies and have to flap their wings to get back out.  Don't even want to think what kind of affect this deep snow will have on the turkey and/or whitetail.  Watched six deer trekking right up the frozen beaver ponds, night before last, and I'm thinking they might of been browsing the new vegetation growing from the beaver dams.   Resident geese have been bounding in and out but, not staying long.
Don't want to see a sudden melt off but, I'll sure be glad to see some sun shine and warmer temperatures.......  STARTING TOMORROW......  please?   I'm thankful I was far enough north to miss this last episode of Mother Natures wrath.
2015/03/05 12:18:52
7-8" in Irwin, PA area and roads were a mess driving into West Mifflin this AM.  Penn Dot doesn't touch the back roads I am on until 9 or 10am it seems.   Many Twp. roads had plows working them but those were all side streets/neighborhood roads.
The Yough was really high in Sutersville.  Not sure about the Mon. but I think it is way up too.  I didn't pay attn. as I was crossing the Elizabeth bridge since some putz pulled out right in front of me from the on ramp (I was in the fast lane), starts spinning out and puts his hazards on.  He was monkeying with his windshield mounted GPS on top of all that...
Most dangerous thing about this AM's ride was all the other drivers trying to make it into work with their crappy tires.....
2015/03/05 12:51:03
Irwin was horrible. I work at pitt rental eyes right on 30
2015/03/05 13:42:13
I'm guessing about 3" here, but some areas are 1" and others are 8"-9" with the drift.  It's 16* and dropping.  Hopefully the last blast.  Luckily December was rather mild and January wasn't bad.  February was brutal, but this year seemed better than last year.
2015/03/05 13:46:02
Looking back at the temps from last year, this one looks worse.  I just remember having major cabin fever then.  Maybe I am getting used to it?  I hope not!
2015/03/05 14:38:12
Less than three weeks and it will be open water
2015/03/05 15:53:05
Saw a bunch of robins today. Oddly enough saw about a dozen robins in the same spot about a month ago.

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