Got in bout 330 PM on Sunday and saw the flow report of 700 I had read was BS- looked at least twice that and still a bit murky. 41 degrees and a slow drizzle-dampness cut right through ya lol
Monday yard stuff in AM and a nice sunny day in the 50s -the bugs came out with the sun, all work no play.
Tuesday AM- went to the main River and not the tribs despite the flows---- FISH ON- very few bugs after a cool night and still very high murky waters. Saw fish everywhere I went mid river to upper- some moving up and a number of drops- Spawners too.
Was VERY pleasantly surprised at the number of fish this trip and last after what I perceived as a slow Steel start this past Fall.
Was gonna stay another day but after a release and seeing one porpoise clear outa the water and splash back in a minute later - wellll - it aint getting any better that that-bugged out this PM being quite satisfied.
Used the 8wt switch and 12lb leader on the river because of the conditions. The 12 got a workout.
Season over till August.--or some Summer smallies.
Still many fish IMHO, but hard conditions-had the water been lower likely woulda stayed till tomorrow night.
VERY few fishermen in the high flows and the fish are picky but are slamming when they choose- others sit there watch watch your fly go by time after time- don't even move.
Great trip - memorable fishes.