Fished upper mid river tonight. Had a plan and stuck by it. Walked in to a spot I liked and took the fly rod. Fished and hour or so. Talked to a boat for a few minutes and he said he saw alot of fish still on gravel and toward shallower water. I got 2 strikes on the swing. Fish hit at almost a straight line and just started bolting. Broke me off twice. Walked back to the car and fished a nice pool with the float rod and a sac. Water was perfect for the drift. There were more small atlantics jumping everywhere. I got 2 hit on the float and landed one. Wife was on me for another so I kept it. It was a male at around 13.5# per my bathroom scale. Still had a dribble left, but was pretty much spawned out.
This was on the bank near the parking lot. I don't think I have seem many this big this far up. It was almost 3 of my shoes long so I am guessing 30 to 34 inches
Big thing I noticed today was that I again saw a few Steel jumping around. Last week they always were jumping UP river. Today all I saw jumping were jumping DOWN river.
With no rain in site for a few days I thought I would get some fishing in this week, BUT they are raising the river to 1500 cfs for smoe odd reason