2014/04/28 13:06:36
See that.....  I've never fished the DSR, I really need to get down there.  Also from my understanding they can be a bit more eager to hit down there.  I won't create the age old debate of why they hit, etc...  Keep one thing in mind lag....  It isn't easy to get one on certain days and don't necessarily follow the opinion of the masses up there.  You don't need to snag/line to actually get one on and the less time they are in the SR probably the better chance you have of enticing one to bite.  You can get them on legally and correctly further up as well, but by then the fish have been harassed pretty good.  Some may also argue that getting a guide for salmon on the SR isn't as valuable then for chrome.  I know I didn't learn anything and will not go into why.  Be patient when you are up there and I'm sure some others can give you some good advice like for me, I rarely fish slow water for Salmon well and even trout I suppose.  Where you can see them, I have always felt they can see you.  It also gets to be pretty frustrating as you know you just drifted past that fish and he/she just gave you the middle finger.
2014/04/28 14:14:15
Thanks for all the great information guys!  Hope I'll be able to show a few pictures in a few months.
2014/04/29 18:38:35
Everyone wants to say I caught a 30lb king on a size 12 fly on 4lb test.  We're not likely going for a fishing record so just have fun.  I fish legally and 1/0 hooks are legal.  The octopus hooks have tips turned inward so it reduces foul hooking.....
2014/04/29 19:28:30
this is very interesting to me. what if i rigged some good 8lb seaguer onto my pfleuger noodle rod combo? can a first timer come up and just wing it? maybe find a cheap campground or sleep in a parking lot somewhere? are the crowds really that bad?
2014/04/29 20:26:10
Clint S
this is very interesting to me. what if i rigged some good 8lb seaguer onto my pfleuger noodle rod combo? can a first timer come up and just wing it? maybe find a cheap campground or sleep in a parking lot somewhere? are the crowds really that bad?

Sure you can.   On my  noodle I run 10 lb test and a 15lb test leader.   Plenty of cheap  camp grounds around.   Are the crowds that bad????????    WELLLLLLLLL.   There is an old joke my dad told me.   What is 12 miles long and has a @$$  hole   every 2 feet?       I think you know the answer
2014/04/29 20:47:22
To all those making or considering a trip to the world famous Salmon River you just can't understand it until you see it for yourself.  I will say that once you experience the madness you will be hooked for life.  Enjoy it.
2014/04/29 20:59:17
Show of hands here by the seasoned vets.
How many think its sporting or ethical to fish kings on #4 test?
How many think that a size 12 or a size 1/0 is your go to size.
My guess is not many legit fishermen here will say yes to either of those things.
Snaggers on the other hand just might.
Clint S
   There is an old joke my dad told me.   What is 12 miles long and has a clarist   every 2 feet?       I think you know the answer

Fixed that for you clint.
You're welcome.
2014/04/29 21:06:44
Lol thanks for the info guys. I'm gonna do my research and give it a shot this fall.
2014/04/29 21:36:22
For steel like 6 or 8 lb test on the noodle and bout the same for leader on the fly rig in winter- use a 5 wt in winter on the fly rig.
     For early Steel like to up the leader a bit cause Hos and late Kings are still around and the Steel seem likely to be harder fighting before winter sets in- stick with a 9wt  fly rod or 8 wt switch then as well as the noodle with 8 or 10 on the spool.
    Kings -for me- require bout a 14 lb line on the rare day I use a spin rig in  average to high water conditions. Started with 10 wt fly rods using 12 to 14 leader and now am down to the 8wt  switch or 9 wt fly rods with about 10 to  12 lb leaders -depending on water  conditions- low waters can sometimes find me with even 8 lb Drennan leader on the fly.
 We are mostly all a bit different with these things but don't think there are many 25 to 40 pound, #1 hook,  6 ft salt water bunker snagging rod guys here- lol.
 Would strongly suggest that a beginner use the 14 for most everything- these  fishes fighting capability will come as a surprise  and adjusting to it takes time. Likely why many  started with  a 10 wt ugly Stick and  progressed to other styles later. Hooking and loosing all your fish  can make a lousy first trip. Also can  kill everything ya hook playing them  too long trying to make up for being under geared for  SR fishes- they aint your garden variety.
  Just as important as everything else will be a reel with a great drag-  stuff they will sell you ( even on many heavier fly reels) will burn right out and a strong smooth drag is a MUST here. Ya certainly wont need Salt water spin reels but a great drag and lots of line capability. Wouldn't think of having much less than a hundred yards of backing on the fly reel. When a bigun turns in the rapids and heads for the lake youll need it.
2014/04/29 21:51:01
14 Lb line huh? I love hard fighting fish. I have become such a better fisherman fishing Erie for steel these past few years. I only can imagine the skill and experience i could pick up fishing the big leauges. Salmon River.

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