2014/05/05 15:44:45
Planning in hitting the lake either tomorrow or Wednesday but it's a pretty new lake for me. I'm not looking for anyone's secret spot but a little help on a start point or if it's even worth making the trip when I can just stay on pymy. I'm going to be primarily going for bass, but wouldn't mind some stripers or crappies. Also I have room for one on the boat with me if someone wants to go. Either post here or send a pm. I can return the favor with some pymy info.
2014/05/05 16:05:35
Well, Frost, it's been a few years since I seriously fished Shenango.  Never really went after bass in the lake, mostly smallies in the river.
Used to really get into the crappies at the railroad trestle west of the 18 causeway.  Once you go under the trestle on the right there is a looonnngg gravel,rock bar that runs parallel with the tracks.  Depending on the water level you can either see a lot or very little of the bar.   The water drops off fast from the bar, probably to twenty feet or so.   I know we used to jig for crappies there and do real well.  I always went out about two hours before dark to avoid all the pleasure boats and come back in just before daylight.  It never failed we would always tie into at least one nice pike when they would come up to the lights to feed on the congregating bait fish.
Unfortunately the power boats make that lake a poor fishing lake.  Last time I was there night fishing I was anchored near that bar when a boat came roaring under the trestle with his lights off, spotlight scanning the lake.  I talked to this "gentleman" later that night (or early morning) and found out that he and other friends  (two or three boats)  would play hide and seek like this, flying across the lake trying to "tag" each other with their spotlights   That did it for me.
I assume you are  catch and release?  Didn't think bass came in til June
As for myself, going to break out the thermals and hit Pymatuning tomorrow.  I know a north wind is lousy, but hey, maybe I'll just troll for eyes!  Good luck!
2014/05/05 17:00:57
eye crosser
Well Frost the strippers are up on the points right now.  Caught 3 the past 2 days.  2 were around 20 inches and one that I didn't boat, it broke the line.  But I would estimate it was some where around the  30+ inch range.  It was so strong that it pull me and the 14 foot boat that I was fishing from about a hundred yards before I lost it at the boat.  All came on a pink 4 inch tail and white jig head. 
Crappies are on the nests right now.  1/8 oz. jig head and a 3 inch tail will get you the bigger fish.  Don't know if they are in the wood but the ones that I've been catching have come from sandy bars that drop off into deeper water.  They are hugging the bottom.  One of the better years that I've had had in a long time.  9 so far this year over 15".
I would save the bass fishing for a little later way to early.
2014/05/05 20:10:35
Thanks for the replys guys. The bass fishing is all catch and release for me. I really want to get into the stripers, so thank you for the info on them especially. I will definitely have to try for some crappie, but the bass and stripers are what I'll be primarily targeting. I'm thinking more about tomorrow heading down there then heading out on pymy Wednesday.
2014/05/06 09:25:16
That's a hog eye crosser.  Sucks that you had to "boat side release" him, but sounds like a fun sleigh ride.  I've heard good things about pink, but never had any luck myself.  A buddy of mine fishes Lake Lanier in GA, says pink stick baits are his go to for the purebreds there.
BTW - What establishment were you at, with the strippers on your point?
2014/05/06 17:11:17
eye crosser
Yep, I call them the strippers because every time I get one all they do is strip line off the reel.  I'm to darn old to worry about the other kind.  I'm just happy to wake up every morning without a new pain somewhere.
2014/05/07 10:34:09
eye crosser
Yep, I call them the strippers because every time I get one all they do is strip line off the reel.  I'm to darn old to worry about the other kind.  I'm just happy to wake up every morning without a new pain somewhere.

2014/05/08 20:19:02
bluegill 95
Fished lower lake today,crappies starting to hold tight to cover , won't be long fellas
2014/05/10 23:13:03
Went out this afternoon, cold front slowed the crappies down, still did ok. Guy close by was on a hot spot, must've caught 30 in 1.5 hours with plenty of slabs included. Definitely trying to work in fishing around Mother's Day tomorrow.
2015/03/19 19:04:41
Open water at the Rt18 causeway, it's up into the 'wood' along the rip rap, ice opening up showing water around lots of the  'North' shorelines too.    Friday, March 20 at 6:45 pm EDT Spring is sprung!!!!!!!

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