Snagger's pic didn't show on my computer.
HE managed to put up a movie and another pic so I know the ability exists.
Dime what is stupid about asking why that large of a hook is needed when it is obviously not to produce a larger profile fly?
I take offense to that characterization.
Pensfan I often fish 7x long #2 streamers for kings.
Big bright flies seeking aggressive fish.
Not small and black with a giant hook gap.
I also believe I foul less fish with the bigger hooks not only because they can see them coming better but because they are not as sticky sharp as the smaller hooks
When the river is full of kings your bait will bump into fish no matter what you are doing and larger hooks seem to slide off better if not set by the rodholder.
That is why I asked for the pic.
I wanted all the available info before making a judgement
To see if it was just hook gap for the sake of hook gap.
Some people just prove themselves to be not worth trying to help.
Sad but true
Snag on!