• Northwest PA
  • Time for another photo thread ! Odd or strange outdoor photos. (p.2)
2015/01/24 13:14:47
Nice pics guys ! 
Here's an odd one taken on Elk Creek by a friend of mine about five years ago . A pure white Heron !

A rare wild Black (color phase ) Fox taken by a friend locally!

2015/01/24 13:34:16
These photos are a pair of wild Ducks that frequent the Lower Shenango River area. I did a post on these a few years ago trying to figure what species they were. They are wild and have been seen over the years fairly steady. There are more than one pair flying around but after numerous try's I finally got two on film. They appear to be a Mallard mix. Haven't been on the river a lot the past few years to notice but they were around for about five years or more. I've seen around six or more pairs together over the past years. Being an old past avid waterfowl hunter for years I found these kind of unique !

2015/01/26 05:09:48
Nice pic of the black fox.  Buddy and I were unloading the truck early one morning ice fishing at Manning launch last year when he says check this out.  I walk around the truck and there is one standing 10ft from him.  Hung around for a minute or 2, then off into the dark.  Thought maybe he winded our bait bucket and was coming in for a closer look.  Beautiful animal.  Wish I would have had a camera.
2015/01/26 06:08:05
How does one post a pic without giving up any info to personal computer?
2015/01/28 12:47:56
Fishing in Erie I had this deer drop from the cliff. At first glance and by the sound of it hitting the ankle deep water, I thought it was a giant boulder. When we got up to it we realized it was a buck!
A couple weeks later while archery hunting I heard a noise in the tree above me. I stepped out from the tree and the following fell out of the sky!  I was a good 400 yards from the lake! I looked up and saw a bald eagle fly off!
2015/01/28 20:58:01
What is that duck..............

White feathers are 'usually' a result of wild ducks mating with domesticated birds. Male birds having curled feathers on the back just above the tail are considered Mallards. Those having a white chest, such as the one in your picture, are referred to as "bibbed".
2015/01/29 23:57:27
Cool pics. Can somebody tell me how to upload a photo. (I have it saved on my desktop)
2015/01/30 10:45:29
Cool pics. Can somebody tell me how to upload a photo. (I have it saved on my desktop)

Sujie you have three ways; 1. Create a Fish/USA Album; 2. Create a PhotoBucket Account; 3. Load directly from your files.  The quickest and easiest will be #3 as the other accounts have their own requirements to upload/download.
Loading directly from your files. 
1. Find at the (left center) top of your reply page;  (Open Full Version) and click.
2. Find the icon for picture(s) (2nd from left) at far right of your reply page and click.
3. Click "From Gallery/Upload".
4 Click "Upload images from your computer".
5. Find the picture you wish to upload.
Your pictures may have to be resized to meet certain requirements so you may have to edit and resize your pictures before hand.  Not a bad idea too create a separate file/folder just for the purpose of submitting pictures.
Creating the PhotoBucket Account is fun and it gives you some additional editing and storage capabilities.  Once you've learned how it works it can be useful.
Fish/USA Album, on the other hand (my critics ain't gonna believe this one), I 'know nothing' about. (lol)
PS. Make certain your cursor is where you want the upload to appear.  Hope this helps!
PSS.  I don't believe #3. can be accomplished via phones.
2015/01/30 14:45:12
That's some crazy stuff PITFLY!!
2015/01/30 14:49:04
Here's a chipmunk I saw crossing Elk Creek last October


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