• Northwest PA
  • Time for another photo thread ! Odd or strange outdoor photos.
2015/01/19 23:54:26
Just that boring time of year for me so I thought it's time for another photo thread. We had a good input on a few older threads on fishing and fishing lures. Lots of great photos were seen.  Just thought about some odd or different outdoor photos I've taken or seen over the years so I'll post a few. Feel free to comment or post some of your own and share. Mine are mostly local fishing but any outdoor oddities will fit in. Just killing time with these slow Winter days !  Enjoy ....................

One in a million I call this one !  Got a fish in the back round jumping in the Niagara River ! Never ever happen again !

Two deer in Elk Creek cooled off and decided to visit my buddy fishing !

This Steelhead was caught and released as you see and was caught again by me two weeks later about a mile upstream! We figured a prop hit .

I was with my friend here when he shot a Pa. buck that had 100% fur covering the rack. It was a buck that never rubbed off it's velvet! The rack was covered with blonde 1/2" hairs.
2015/01/21 23:50:05
It was a boy. Penn State checked it out and said some deer get injured and will cause that to happen. You could have taken a comb and brushed the hair ! He had the rack freeze dried by a taxidermist and it still looks pretty cool.
2015/01/22 21:06:36

One in a million I call this one !  Got a fish in the back round jumping in the Niagara River ! Never ever happen again !

Now THAT is awesome!!!
2015/01/23 00:04:15
Thanks' Nick that is one of my lifetime favorite photos ! I was using my 35 mm Cannon camera taking that photo of my son holding that Laker and had know idea that that fish was in the photo. Got the film developed a week or so later and at first glance I thought it was a log floating by. Took a double take and thought WOW ! What are the odds of getting a fish jumping partially out of the water that split second !  One in a million I'd say !
2015/01/23 07:44:21
Strangely skinny tiger trout.
2015/01/23 07:46:35
Goldfish. For scale, I can palm a basketball.
2015/01/23 07:48:42
Jitterbug channel cat. Crappy pic sorry.
2015/01/23 19:13:23
Good stuff. Catfish on a jitterbug.......never would have thought!!
I've been going through all my pics and can't really find anything I'd call odd, strange, etc. Here's two things that come sorta close I guess
Caught this little brook trout this past summer. Had some wounds probably from a bird or something.....other than that nothing too unusual. About a month or so later, I caught it again!!!! Proves that C&R works and the wounds seemed to have healed up nicely. I've caught many other fish multiple times as well but this one stuck out the most.

Around that same time frame I fished another stream in the area. Caught a decent amount of fish...mix between hatchery browns and bows and wild browns. I eventually came to a spot where a tiny little jump across trib comes in through all that vegetation. Didn't even notice it until I was on my way back to the vehicle it was so well hidden.

In one of the first pools, I catch this guy!! A good sized wild brown trout for such a tiny stream. Nice surprise! Ended up catching a little dink as well.

So when I got home I looked at the map and this creek doesn't even show up. No little blue line or anything. The creek doesn't have a name and isn't on the PFBC's natural reproduction list for trout. Always cool when you stumble upon little places like that!
2015/01/24 09:59:59
Catfish farms use floating fish pellets. Not uncommon for Cats to nail top water lures. Trout are near the bottom ov smart fish list. Carp, Catfish & Bass r top ov list for fresh water. Panfish r even smarter.

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