2015/07/12 15:29:41
Big Tuna
I'm glad they only have one week of doe hunting in more areas and cut back on tags. I still would like a separate doe season of old like 2 or 3 days of gun season.  The herd could come back quick with that shorter season.But I really don't think the PGC wants it to increase.I like the extended small game opportunities,a few more days to roll some bunnies with my hound dog Bella.
2015/07/12 20:22:36
I'm right there with ya Tuna.  I'm just one of those old dogs not liking new tricks!
Speaking of small game..................
I wish the regs. on the hawks would change too.......  maybe a short season just to bring those dam things under control.   I quit hunting crows just so they would be around to chase off the raptors.  I know crows will raid other game bird nest but, I sure do enjoy watching them 'dive bombing' hawk nest!    I can see three hawk nest from my back porch and at one time all three nest would be active.  Last two years, no more nesting, not since the crows found them.
 In addition, the hay was late to be put in so, the grass grew tall (hmm, sounds like a riddle in there) providing tons of cover for the "wascally wabbit".    But, now that the field has been mowed and the hay baled, easy pickens prevail and once again the screech of hawks is heard as they scan bare fields, while riding currents of thermal updraft, searching for prey.
But, not to worry, for not far behind will be a calvary of crows, dashing in to protect their turf from an arch enemy.  First there will be one, climbing high then dropping down to harass the hawk while 'cawing' out the alarm.  Then another and soon others will join the effort to banish the ...............  ummmm sorry, got carried away!  
Anyway, my point is, too many stupid hawks flying around eating the 'wabbits', squirrels, turkey poults, ducklings, ditch chickens, etc.
Sorry about getting carried away,  but wait til I tell ya about my feelings involving changes made to the mentored youth program.............
I gotta get, hope ya get lots of those 'wascally wabbits' cause there just ain't nothing like a big plate of hossenfeffer for supper on a cold winter's night!
2015/07/12 21:38:19
Here we go again ! The Game Commission decides once again to change up the Deer hunting seasons and rules. Back to micro management of area by area . Use to be a time when seasons and limits and rules never changed for years and years across the whole State. Now every year they have to change something back and forth. Four on one side , three on that side , no doe on this day , buck and doe on that day. I'm about tired of it all. Finding a place to hunt is hard enough these days now you got to carry the Hunting Manual with you to make sure what , where, and when. Change all the rules they want if people don't bag game, or have somewhere to hunt, they aren't going to continue to hunt.....and I don't blame them.   
2015/07/13 21:49:39
Crows I remember when I was young crows 1/2 before dark would blacken the sky it was something to see .
2015/07/14 12:42:38
When we lived in Cranberry, we had a true plague of chipmunks.  I was trapping them to keep them from sinking my house.  Then all of the sudden they were all gone, and the only change I could see was a big flock of crows had moved in.  Crows > chippies in my book, I was glad to have them.

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