2015/08/12 16:48:09
I see they took the road construction signs down on Georgetown Rd which should give access to the Lake straight from Rt 19 now!
Passed over the causeway on Sunday and I swear I saw a hot pink 'toon' on the water!  I don't know maybe it was just a figment of my imagination brought on from eating spoiled popcorn?
Mopar I been itchin' to get fishin', maybe I can make it to Wilhelm this Sat.  I sure hope it ain't gonna be one of those stupid "Blue Bird" days.  Watch out for those stumps,  I know a few guys who learned they can't walk on water when their boat stopped abruptly, while they were standing on the bow of the boat!
Tight lines to all............
2015/08/12 18:06:47
Roygpa.... Thanks for the update , going to give it a try tomorrow ... We will see

BTDT .... Was wondering about the road so thanks for that update. A pink toon , ok think I'll just leave that alone 😜. Lol yeah I know all about the stumps and water, didn't get wet but it was close..good luck if ya get out on Saturday .... Keep ya updated...
2015/08/12 18:55:41
Don't have your tackle box open on your lap in the stumps either. Very costly mistake :-/
2015/08/12 20:32:44
Don't have your tackle box open on your lap in the stumps either. Very costly mistake :-/
yeah that would suck , haven't done that up in the stumps but I have had my box sitting open on the seat while trolling went to grab the pole , hit the seat and dumped it ... Had a mess and didn't get the fish either😜
2015/08/12 21:19:38
The Alaskan
There is a pink pontoon, the marina has that for breast cancer awareness, It is their rental along with a yellow, and few others. 
going to goto Wilhelm Sat with the kiddos, troll for some eyes for awhile then fish for some crappie.
2015/08/12 22:27:56
Thanks T A, never gave it a thought, nice they promote such a cause!  Even nicer you making us aware.  Maybe seee yinz on the lake Sat.
Roy your report tells me the fish weren't hitting that well which leads me to think they will be in the near future and I better plan some Wilhelm time soon. Thanks for the update.
2015/08/13 23:57:33
Don't have your tackle box open on your lap in the stumps either. Very costly mistake :-/
well another evening on the lake , nothing to write home about, a few crappie no eyes stayed until 9 PM. Trolled , drifted ... Run hot n tots & harness ... Oh well got to see another great sunset .... Lol. Now I did have a crazy afternoon up at the stumps. Didn't get wet or dump my tackle box but I did get high centered on a stump ....😜. Didn't see the crazy thing it was about a foot under water, anyhow came to a stop real quick hit electric motor in reverse, nothing happening so I hit forward and nothing. Thought ok this is nice .... Drank a pop, thought about it & said screw it ... Fired the 20 hp up but that didn't do it either. Figured ok I have my cell phone if worse come to worse. Thought let's try this one more time so hit the electric motor again on high started rocking the heck out of the boat and it broke free ... What an adventure that was after about 40 minutes I was free and heading back to the main lake .... I guess being around 250 pounds didn't hurt either when I started rocking the boat .... Think I will stay out of there from now on. 😝😝. Ok that was my fishing trip for today .. Lol
2015/08/14 09:43:16
Guess who else has BTDT. He hee, glad ya got 'er broke free. Scary situation when ya get to thinking...... There ain't no high tide on Wilhelm. Hope ya had enough peanut butter and jelly samidges...... just in case(lol)

Sat. calling for weather change and cloudy skies. I'm charging the batteries! !!!!!!! :-D
2015/08/14 13:18:43
BTDT .... Well good luck tomorrow if ya get out... What out for those under water stumps 😜😜
2015/08/14 19:01:29
Ima goin' for sure, trouble is I saw some good reports about Shenango and now dag-nab-it, I don't know which way to turn at the stop sign.  Maybe Wilhelm in the morning and Shenango in the afternoon or visa-versa.  Decisions........... decisions.
Weather still lookin' good with light winds in the morning and calm in the afternoon.
Gotta get, I'm outa baloney. (for my samidges)

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