2015/07/21 18:00:45
Good luck mopars0, if you go Thursday.
. Thanks , good luck to you also on Sunday if you go ...
2015/07/24 11:28:06
Spent a great afternoon fishing Wilhelm, the weather was beautiful and just the right amount of west wind to maintain a steady drift.  Launched at #4 off of Georgetown Rd. and made four passes over the old road bed before continuing down past launch #2 and drifting that roadbed.  Tossed a half ounce jig tipped with various colored 'curly tails' and sometimes, a crawler, on one rod while pulling a worm harness on another.
The chop on the water was excellent, reflecting the brilliant rays of the sun now setting low in the western sky.  The wind was such that boat control required little or no correction, allowing me to enjoy a picnic dinner on the lake.
Ahhhh, nothing like enjoying a picnic  (no, not baloney and cheese sandwiches) while sitting on the water.  Had some of those lunch pack things, you know, those packages that come with crackers, meat, etc.  Got em at really good price as they were marked half off at the grocery store.  Ritz style crackers, cheese, baloney (genuine Oscar Mayer(pork and chicken)) with two "Chips Ahoy" chocolate chip cookies.
Fished the crawlers til the wind died down sometime around 9:00 pm and the lake turned to glass, still reflecting the golden rays of a soon to set sun.  Made a quick change over to trolling with a hot-n-tot and some other gold looking thing-of-bob that claims fish can't resist it.  Continued to troll while looking at a half moon, now straight up, wondering if there's any truth to game and fish feeding more actively during such moon phases?
Trailered the boat around 9:30 pm somewhat amazed that no other vehicles remained at the launch but, it was nice not having to wait for the idjuts trying to load their pontoons, during their once a year excursion, or the ramp blocked by morons to lazy to drag their 'yaks' out of the way.
Planned on going out this morning but, woke with my eyes feeling like I'd been watching someone welding and, a bit of a tummy ache and have since made many, many, many trips to the....... well, never mind that, just thought it better I stay home this morning.

FYI to those heading for Wilhelm this weekend, there is a yard sale extravaganza taking place the full length of Georgetown Rd. so be prepared to stop for or, zig zag around stupid people seeking treasures from the junk (not associated with the old hairy guys in big boats and loud motors) of others.
Also  (all) the roads, leading to and from Wilhelm have been oiled and chipped.  With the sunny skies and high temps. forecast (according to the weather dude) for this weekend, expect a tar like sticky substance oozing from the limestone chips in preparation, of jumping on your vehicle and what ever you may be towing behind.  Least not forget the limestone chips flying off of your, or other, tires seeking to take out your vehicle and/or, boat windshield.
I think mother nature is about to call again so, I gotta go. (no pun intended)
Oh..... about the fishing....   stupid fish!
2015/07/24 14:02:59
Thanks for the informative post...sounds like you were doin all the right stuff..What a shame that lake went down the tubes..I fished it with 2 buddies recently for about 5 hrs..we had 3 bass to the boat..one of em' might have been a pound & a half. Let's not even start talkin about the good ole days on that lake..bummer..
  The reason the cracker lunchables were probably half off cause they were 6 months old .
Once I left a pack of those at our deer camp ..found them when we went up to open up for trout season..5 mos. later and they still "looked ok"..Next time I'll save em for you :)
Cheers,  The Mercer Pike Kid
2015/07/24 14:28:38
BTDT.....lol. ...well I was there last night as well, I was at launch #2 . At the lake about 3:30 went down by dam in the one cove done there. Messed around with a Minnie & bobber , worked for bass with other pole. About 5:30 started trolling harnesses back up the lake. So I take it that was you sitting by the old road bed by #2 about 6:30 ... Lol. Changed to hot n tots about 7:00 tried 4 different colors until 9:20 .... Said the hell with it and loaded up... Saw you was heading up toward #4 ... My picnic lunch was peanut butter & jelly sandwich , pop, hot pepper cheese .... Lol. ..... And yes STUPID FISH !!!
2015/07/24 20:29:50
BTDT.....lol. ...well I was there last night as well, I was at launch #2 . At the lake about 3:30 went down by dam in the one cove done there. Messed around with a Minnie & bobber , worked for bass with other pole. About 5:30 started trolling harnesses back up the lake. So I take it that was you sitting by the old road bed by #2 about 6:30 ... Lol. Changed to hot n tots about 7:00 tried 4 different colors until 9:20 .... Said the hell with it and loaded up... Saw you was heading up toward #4 ... My picnic lunch was peanut butter & jelly sandwich , pop, hot pepper cheese .... Lol. ..... And yes STUPID FISH !!!

That would be me and I wondered if that might be you.  Even if the fish weren't cooperating, it was still great to get out on Wilhelm again.  Man-o-man I wanted to stay out under that moon and keep fishing but got to feeling a little squeamish, think it was something I ate.  I'll be back....... real soon.
Thanks for the informative post...sounds like you were doin all the right stuff..What a shame that lake went down the tubes..I fished it with 2 buddies recently for about 5 hrs..we had 3 bass to the boat..one of em' might have been a pound & a half. Let's not even start talkin about the good ole days on that lake..bummer..
  The reason the cracker lunchables were probably half off cause they were 6 months old .
Once I left a pack of those at our deer camp ..found them when we went up to open up for trout season..5 mos. later and they still "looked ok"..Next time I'll save em for you :)
Cheers,  The Mercer Pike Kid

Didn't think to check the expiration date; I thought they'd be okay seeing how I got the things from one of those Amish grocery outlets.  I know the next time I fish Wilhelm having a westerly wind and bright sun low in the sky.... I'm taking a welding helmet.  My eyes are just beginning to clear of that 'sand in your eyes' feeling.
But hey, don't give up on Wilhelm, rumor has it the PFBC biologist have backed off "fish specific lake" projects.  Something about Arway needing money for his pet project SOS.  Now that I mention it, maybe that's where the extra money came from to pay for the advertisement and promos, regarding SOS, seen at all the licensing agents across PA.  
By the way did yinz buy your SOS buttons to support Arway? Wouldn't surprise me to see a "bass stamp" imposed next year, if John don't sell enough buttons.
Boy....... sorry about that rant, don't know what came over me.......... maybe something I ate or, possible sun poisoning.
I gotta go................. I'll just leave that to yinz imagination.
Anyway, don't give up on Wilhelm and good fishing to you.
2015/07/24 21:43:42
BTDT......Guess I'm tired but did get this picture thing figured out.....lol.....This was the sunset last night at Wilhelm ,if you look real close I'd say that is you , kinda heading toward launch #4......Oh by the way, were you was sitting when I came up trolling from the dam was were my grandson got the nice walleye a few weeks ago.....using my pole & hot n tot.....lol   Then the next week I got that muskie almost in the same area.....OK, now ya know......lol


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2015/07/25 11:28:32
Judging by the sunset, that would be me!  I think we were the diehards (or idjuts) that evening, seemed there were no other boats on the water nor, did I see anyone fishing from shore.  
Certainly not the way it use to be for this time of year.
We both know, what spots produced fish using certain baits at certain times of the year.  We know, Wilhelm has little structure and what there was has changed over the years.  The old road beds are not as prominent, the old stream beds are forever filling in and, the PSFBC keeps taking out all the native weeds while trying to get those stupid lily pads to take hold.
Remember the good old days, Wilhelm had weeds growing naturally, some places so thick even the mightiest weedless prop struggled.  Weeds all along her shorelines, in all the shallow bays, on shelves and points, just everywhere!!!!  Ummm sorry, must be a reaction caused from a home remedy I got off the internet for, food poisoning.
Certainly is no secrete Wilhelm was targeted as a "Trophy Bass" fishery and those native weeds were just not conducive to growing "Bucketmouth" sized bass!    Nor, was the natural forage fish good enough for our Large Mouth friend to feast upon, so pollute the waters of Wilhelm with a more desired cuisine and get them "Lunkers" fattened up for them fishing tournaments.
But wait...... it was the anglers that created the sudden over population of shad, so thick that you can smell their stink in the air.  Huh.............?  I've been fishing Wilhelm since the early 70s so how is it these shad suddenly show up?  Some angler just happen to "recently" bring a bucket full one day and surprise, surprise!!  I'll betcha It's the anglers using weedless props  keeping the weeds mowed down too!
Did ya notice how fresh the air was the other night?  I'm wondering if ya saw any of the enormous schools of shad swimming around in their stupid circles?  I didn't even see a small school. 
The Penn-State Fish and Boat Commission (can't find work elsewhere) biologist have a new dilemma at hand and it's getting the attention of those seeking to become the next 'Einstein' of biology.  Thank goodness for SOS as it is, hopefully, pulling attention away from 'our' lakes, rivers and, streams.  Also, here's hoping SOS is hurting for funding and Mr. Arway will need to pull money from the trout program so, the PSFBC has to stop polluting the local waters with those nasty things.   Errr.. or, did those fish get in all the lakes and streams by fisherman using them as bait too?   Silly me,  I know you can't use stocked trout for bait, no other fish would eat them.   
Hmmm... I'm thinking I read a story about a cut back with the trout program?   Imagine that?
Don't know if you are familiar with the stories about Pymatuning and how bad the walleye fishing got just a few years ago.  But, once the Penn-State Fish and Boat Commission got finished screwing around with their "lake specific fish" hooey, the walleye fishing did a complete turn around.  Goes to show "keep it simple" has true meaning.  
Like Pymatuning, I think Wilhelm will rebound and once again produce the quality fishery she once was noted for.
We just need to hang in there, things can't get worse.
Speaking of fishing.............
2015/07/25 17:15:59
BTDT.... I agree totally with what you are saying ...it has always been my go to lake. Love Pymatuning , always hit it hard early for crappies & walleye which were smaller to get fish in freezer. Then would hit Wilhelm through summer months & early Fall for the nicer walleye. All my nicer walleye at Wilhelm came from near the road bed. Kinda like down by the dam ..... Shoreline for bass & the stomps...I just enjoy trolling the best
, did notice all the crazy lilly pads floating around..... Messed up my trolling at times😜.
2015/08/12 14:56:26
Got batteries charging now , probably going to hit Wilhelm tomorrow was going to try Pymie think I'll just save the gas from the reports anyways !!!! Also might be a little windy up there 😜. Maybe hit the stumps for awhile then work at some trolling.... BTDT going to be around , maybe we will see one another... Lol good luck to y'all if ya go out.... Hopefully I'll have some pictures other then sunsets😝😝
2015/08/12 15:30:18
Fished Wilhelm this past Saturday from about 8:00 AM till noon. Drifted worms for a couple hours and caught and ugly bullhead catfish. Also trolled for a couple hours with a purple HotNTot and picked up a crappie and lost one. Marked a ton of fish on the fish finder. Wish I could give a better report.

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