• Northwest PA
  • Good Job PFBC! (but sadly, some people aren't capable of being educated) (p.3)
2015/01/26 11:38:36
Was it a "Vosteran" search engine that keeps popping up?
2015/01/26 13:37:21
Eyes that's the one and I had a fun time trying to get rid of it. I also had programs (3) regarding coupons I had to uninstall , Google was full of pop-ups, plus the other problems I already listed. Could uinstall Google than couldn't reinstall. Did uninstall Adobe but the Vosteran was listed nowhere. Had to dump the system and reinstall Windows. Reinstalled Adobe Flash and used it for several days. Had to reinstall Adobe for PDF to use PBFC for my boat license. System very slow to start/shutdown/load web pages and the pages would freeze. Uninstalled Adobe this morning and the system runs fine. Haven't tried to reinstall Google yet....... I' m feeling a bit....... Paranoid!(lol)
2015/01/26 14:23:46
run malwarebytes
2015/01/26 17:33:22
walleye taker
Crappiefisher that's funny
2015/01/26 23:53:54
I see that most chefs say that Snakeheads are excellent eating ! Since I know nothing about Bowfins how do they rate on the dinner scale ?  Can you even keep them ? I don't see much info on them.
2015/01/27 10:09:20
From what I've heard bowfin aren't that great eating.........but I'm sure with proper preparation and decent cooking skills you can make them taste ok. I guess bowfin meat is supposed to be kind of mushy, similar to carp(I've never had carp either). Bowfin are a fun C&R sportfish nonetheless.
As far as the legality goes, I think you can keep them to eat, though it is highly encouraged that you release them since they're a candidate species. Throwing them on the bank to die.......nope, can't do that. Other than ethics and common sense, I think the only issue with this would be wanton waste or something along those lines. That's probably what the ticket would be written up for, unless they can write you up for "waste of sportfish" or "stupidity" or something lol. I'm sure the fact that they're a candidate species can be factored in somewhere as well. Moral of the story, they can and will give you a ticket if you toss them in the woods to die. Don't think they can if you put one on a stringer to take home since they aren't exactly threatened or endangered...
If I ever get the chance to fish for snakeheads I'm definitely taking them home!!! No use having them rot on the bank and going to waste.
2015/01/27 12:44:53
I second what Porktown stated.
I uninstalled Chrome and IE and downloaded a fresh install of Firefox to work from.  
I downloaded and ran fresh updates of Malewarebytes, CC Cleaner, Spybot Search and Destroy, updated Avast and Superantispyware.  
Only Malewarebytes and CC cleaner saw it.  After I cleaned it up, I reinstalled Chrome and IE and was rid of it.
I also had a holdpage.pup that came along with it that I had to clear up too.  
I ran a search for the Vosteran files and the holdpage.pup files on the C: drive and deleted what I could find but had to run MB and CC Cleaner to get rid of it all.
2015/01/27 14:54:40
If you can get away with it (most probably can), replace your PC with an iPad.  iOS is about as secure of a platform as you can have right now.  Some can't get away with just a tablet, but if you can, the benefits of iPad over a PC are well worth the cost.  Especially if your company allows you to expense it...  
2015/01/28 11:38:31
Troutguy my appologies for 'trashing' your board. I was having trouble trying to access info on my 'puter' then read a story of the malware that caused these problems and how it get's installed. So I thought it important to post it for all to see.

Eyes and Pork thanks for your input nice to know the problem is real. I was feeling a bit paranoid, don't cha know. (lol).
2015/01/28 11:39:22
Denuh Vance
There's a bait shop at Glendale Lake where I have heard an employee (I believe it's actually the owner) tell people to kill any Bowfin they catch.  It's the first bait shop on the right when you turn onto the south end of Beaver Valley Road.

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