2014/09/11 22:16:54
I was cutting and threading and installing black pipe at a residential house about 30 miles west of ground zero on that beautiful September day. I remember the first unofficial report that came through on the radio moments after it happened. The first word out on the radio station that was playing was that a low flying non commercial plane hit the tower unintentionally... With in 15 minutes or so it spiraled in to reality. We kept working but vaulted greatly once the second tower hit. ... Once the first one dropped we stopped for quite some time to listen in... Some guys on the job we were on had family that worked there. We eventually resumed working and finished out the day. On the ride home the smoke clouds were surreal on the horizon while driving east on i-80 just 30 miles from the disaster with a full blown NYC skyline in perfect view... My home town was a big commuter town. Some folks made the last ferry and train that ran and a few people walked the streets of home town covered in soot... Just the Friday before I had worked in queens and rode right by the downtown area gazing at the mighty towers... The next evening was a candle vigil in my hometown park where quite a few locals were lost and mourned.... Right after the closing of the candle vigil I was in the truck with my rod heading north... Fish on!!!
2014/09/12 06:00:32
Americans value fair play, respecting your foe, being above board and all the things terrorists ain't. That's why snaggers don't fare well on this board.  Snagging is the cheap shot.  Strange analogy, but it works.
2014/09/12 06:23:42
Just gotten to sleep.
Boss called and woke me up after the first plane hit and I turned on the tube just as the second plane hit.
Devastating day for sure

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