2014/09/11 06:42:38
Harold "Stub" Weigertz, former Ranger at Camp Beechwood on Maxwell Bay, and an avid angler on Maxwell Creek and throughout New York State, passed away Monday at the age of 83.  TwoBob and I got to know Stub when the camp allowed access to the stretch of stream on their property, an he noted that we were leaving the property with bags of trash and were generally respectful of the use privilege afforded us.  After the Camp was posted, Stub extended us an invitation to continue to fish (we rarely took him up on the offer as it could have caused problems with "excluded" fishers), and our visits with him when our paths crossed were the high point of many trips to Maxwell.  I believe Stub was also the president of the Wayne County Fisheries Advisory Board for a time.  He was certainly involved in making the outdoors a better place for NY Sportmen, and in exercising stewardship for Maxwell Creek and bay.  His Obituary can be found at http://www.hsnorton.com/home/index.cfm/obituaries/view/fh_id/11394/id/2668672.
2014/09/11 07:08:40
That is sad sad news Lucky.
One quick stub story.
I was taking advantage one day. 
Down into the fallen trees along the east bank.
Out of the blue I hear growling and snapping.
It Stubby and he has his son's (away in the service i believe) rotts.
He quietly snuck up behind me and set them off.
Yelling at me I was on posted property.
Nearly filled the waDers.
Him laughing, me too after a couple seconds.
I can only imagine if someone without his tacit OK to be there   got that treatment how scared they would have been.

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