2014/08/18 08:18:28
TB,you're correct.If the zones did n't exist I would n't visit the SR until November.
2014/08/18 08:21:17
One of the most aggressive takes I've had was from the largest salmon I'm ever likely to get in the SR. It was in mid-river and in shallow water and topedoed a 4" orange bunny  swung at least 3' short of it. It was a bad cast, but it  made a huge V to the fly and swallowed it. I cut myself trying to get the fly back, which was destroyed. I think it was extremely agitated by a long run in shallow water  and had become very aggressive like a soccer Mom looking for a parking space on Black Friday.  It's just an observation that there are scenarios that make them bite in all parts of the river, though the DSR may be more consistent with FRESH fish.  I've always wondered why people would prefer to fish heavy water, but now have realized that  deeper, heavy currents are resting places to hide in and the salmon will hold longer. Doesn't make them easier to get them to "bite", but makes for a consistent presentation.  Something is bound to happen, repeatedly drifting through a pod of large bodies and mouths.  It's much different drifting something that triggers them to bite when they are holding in a small pocket or eddy. Finesse, the right flies and  sight fishing technique are required. We all know Jack's secret spot isn't that secret; it's his acquired skills that make him look like he's fishing an Alaskan fly-in.  You don't buy those with a DSR pass- they're earned.
2014/08/18 08:49:42
"aggressive like a soccer Mom looking for a parking space on Black Friday."~Fichy

D@mn-it Boy!! Now that there is funny.... I don't care who you are.
2014/08/18 09:25:05
Charlie, it's the same as that day you put on a clinic in the lower part of Paradise a few years back.  You found a pod of eager players who aggressively nailed whatever you threw their way.
2014/08/18 09:58:38
This is my dream....I know it's a pipe dream.....make the entire SR a "fly fishing" only river and "ENFORCE" the rules.....then and only then it would be a "world class" fishery.
The state of NY  really dropped the ball when they promoted snagging and won't do whats necessary to stop it.
2014/08/18 10:16:12
Although we don't like to face it----face it
   The  majority of fishing in the SR varies from outright snagging to lining with only a few actually fishing- most of whom fly fish.
It wasn't all that long ago the entire upper river was legal for Cricket fishing and when that became illegal there were a few short $$$ years when the number of 'fishermen' dropped off for a while.
    Without the afore mentioned the $$$$ value  the fishery would not exist. The end result would likely be a collapse of the State funded hatchery and monitoring of the system.
The North country is poor and this is a multimillion dollar annual  cash cow.
     Its no wonder enforcement is minimal- nobody wants to shoot the 'golden goose'.
 Like most every one else I too will complain on the forum this season about someones rude idiotic actions ruining a spot for me and others FISHING but it comes with the whole picture. 
Some who have gone to the promised land (Alaska) have come back with the exact same stories. Can see it on some of the video from there too.
2014/08/18 10:48:50
hot tuna
Geesh Trev, it was 19 years ago the state banned legal snatching . That's a long time for folks to get the message.
I remember walking into any gas station or tackle shop ( except whittakers ) and everyone asked to sign the petition to reverse the decision. Tony G even sued the state over it.
At first the number of people dropped but then came the J- plug craze where they adapted the regs to continue snatching. Heck even the dsr was full of plug throwers. Finally the dsr with help from Fred outlawed them on their property and it took a good long while before the dec put another reg in place ( nov-1) to try and curb the issue. Since then as always people found ways to tweak the regulations to continue the so called ban on snatching, longe leaders etc. Now you see again how people have tweaked the regs again in the use of fly rods. Long limber fly rods are one of the most deadly snatching tools out there especially when spooled with mono. You see more fly rods on the river during salmon season then spinning rods. Think of the wind millers just sweeping and lifting , got 1 .
I'm not so sure Jacks vision of flyfishing only is the answer, the enforcement part however is.
Think of it like this. We all speed in our vehicle. If you drive an area repeatedly your gonna get caught. Eventually your are going to think twice about speeding through that area if you know it's frequented by a speed trap. You will still drive but you will follow the speed limit , well unless you have deep pockets and just don't care. There are always gonna be those types no matter how many tickets they get
2014/08/18 11:23:25
As far as the $$$ aspect of this I believe that many real fisherman would replace the snagger/lifter if they would eliminate snagging.I personally know many fisherman that tried to fish the SR and quit because of the slobs that frequent the river during silly season.If everyone actually "fished" and treated the Salmon as wild fish instead of slashing away at them while wading where they should be fishing the fish would be hitting thru out the river.Even bluegills would stop hitting if you used the same tactics as these idiots.
Same story ever year......ARE YOU LISTENING IN THE DEC OFFICE???
2014/08/18 11:24:07
Before that it was legal snagging UP TO the Pville bridge and if you wanted to fish for real you had to fish over fish that had escaped the spider gauntlet or mix in  with the boat rodders.
Things change and number of "fishermen" goes up and down but in the end real fishermen replace the snaggers as they find the situation improving.
Money still comes in but the more ethical businesses gain while the lowest common denominator types lose.
Phuck them to hell anyway.
Enforcement times a thousand!
If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear.
If you have something to fear get the phuck off the river and let someone who respects the fishery enjoy it.
Sorry for the rant but kind of thinking about the all mighty dollar boils my blood.
2014/08/18 11:30:08
Agree Rich- just realize it likely aint gonna happen.
 I recall those orange J -plugs with the hook dangling on a string a few inches behind. used to whip back and forth through the Steel beds till they hooked  something. ARUGGGGGH
 Recall  watching the Cricket shows too- ARRRREUGGGGH (pretty sure my name is on that petition too)
HEY- so when did only 19 years NOT seem like just last week  to some of us   lol.
Kinda like 2BOB's way with words

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