Although we don't like to face it----face it
The majority of fishing in the SR varies from outright snagging to lining with only a few actually fishing- most of whom fly fish.
It wasn't all that long ago the entire upper river was legal for Cricket fishing and when that became illegal there were a few short $$$ years when the number of 'fishermen' dropped off for a while.
Without the afore mentioned the $$$$ value the fishery would not exist. The end result would likely be a collapse of the State funded hatchery and monitoring of the system.
The North country is poor and this is a multimillion dollar annual cash cow.
Its no wonder enforcement is minimal- nobody wants to shoot the 'golden goose'.
Like most every one else I too will complain on the forum this season about someones rude idiotic actions ruining a spot for me and others FISHING but it comes with the whole picture.
Some who have gone to the promised land (Alaska) have come back with the exact same stories. Can see it on some of the video from there too.