2014/08/16 13:07:28
Same here Charlie- once they stock the annual thousands upon thousands of those fingerlings ya may as well stop trout fishing.  Still no real measurable return on this low end of the Ct river either. A failed enterprise- imagine if they stocked ocean running Kings or Steel instead.
Ct had also tried ocean running Browns decades ago in favorable waters- same result so they quit.
 They claim the Ct river Atlantics end up off of Greenland or Iceland or one of those cold places  in the commercial fishing areas and get decimated each year- ---then why continue the program????
 Don't know what the excuse in Ontario is  but a failure is just that----move on and find a new venture if ya must-but move on ( and NOT to Skamania either) -don't compound errors.
NOT complaining bout the effort - they tried and deserve credit there- but MOVE ON.
2014/08/16 13:20:16
The DSR was getting too crowded during peak weekends....So, jack up the price and lower the number of passes sold...Revenue wise it's a wash and it's more enjoyable for the guests....I have no problem with it...Also, you must release trout caught in the DSR.  Lake run trout should have an asterisk if used for record books anyway.  The pictures of folks gill blasting browns caught from a boat is disappointing....Throw the trout back.
2014/08/16 13:35:18
Just got first hand info that mature adult Atlantic's came up on a fish cam out in the mouth of beaverdam brook. This was a week or so ago. And they were of the latest adipose fin clipped program.. They had also shocked beaver dam brook some time ago this summer to find only grilse (immature non spawning Atlantic's)... The fish cam ended up showing a few black kings and the Atlantic's were gone... As well as any immature Atlantic's that were around. Clint, the gentlemen had told me that those 7 or so smaller fish that you and I saw were most likely immature Atlantic's. I think the two larger of the group were browns...

Where did the Atlantic's go??? My take is with kings in the fishery, Atlantic's end up getting muscled out of their spawning grounds. Where the politics will land, no one knows....

Wait what was the original topic ??? Oh yeah duhhh :)
2014/08/16 13:59:15
hot tuna
Great news Drew.. I remember when Fran got serious wood when a whopping 4 adults returned 4 years ago. Now seeing 1 already I'm sure the program will be considered a huge success and the jail water will start the band wagon about a world class Atlantic fishery :( .

What was this thread about ?
It was really about how many fish you hooked today .. ( kidding bro )
2014/08/16 15:05:48
Clint S
Where a fish can act like a fish!  - Steve Kowalski
August 2014

Focusing on Guest Experience Ushers in New Era for DSR
Early this year, the DSR analyzed the results from its guest survey and planned for the future. In April, we announced minor changes that immediately improved the guest experience. Today, the DSR is very excited to share big changes to be implemented on May 15, 2015.

We expect our plans to improve your fishing experience by
  • Dramatically reducing the maximum number of anglers on the river each day (For example, 250 in salmon season instead of over 500, as in the past)
  • Dividing the year into six fishing seasons, each having different attributes designed to satisfy your passion for fishing specific species  (For example, a $25 day pass and a limit of 30 anglers fishing for steelhead in the winter)
  • Providing flexibility with more options for types of fishing passes and their pricing (For example, full day and afternoon passes from $15 to $75 depending on the season)
 *Max. # of anglers includes all guests (not just day pass holders as in the past)
NOTE: Hours of operation will be implemented today August 15, 2014.



*Prices for clients of DSR Guide Pass Holders Only

We also expect our plans to improve your lodging experience by:
  • offering lodging at competitive pricing. Fishing passes will be sold separately. (For example, one person staying in our Deer Run Lodge for $60 to enjoy winter solitude)
  • varying the price across the seasons so you can stay with us during any season of the year (For example, four persons staying in our Meadow Lodge for $420 to fish in late September or for $240 in late winter)

Check out all the New 2015 Seasonal Lodge Prices available at the DSR website.

As of May 15, 2015 lodging prices will no longer include fishing passes. Fishing passes will be purchased separately giving lodge guests the choice to fish where they want when they want; in any season.

We announce these plans today for implementation in May 15, 2015 so you can plan ahead. Until then, our current plans remain in place.
Join us as we offer continued refinements in our never ending quest to improve your experience and fulfill our vision:
A destination where like-minded sportsmen share their passion, pride, and appreciation for the outdoors, and one that inspires camaraderie and memorable experiences for generations to come.
2014/08/16 15:26:26
This DSR thing brings true meaning to "There is a sucker born every minute". I just love the caption on the banner "........ where sport meets spirit". Sport??
2014/08/16 15:31:03
Clint S
This come from e mails you get if you are on their mailing list.  I could not find the one on the brown stocking, but it is as above, purchased with private monies and stocked in their waters as they are trying to get a better summer fishery going. If they would have left the price the same and lowered the # of anglers that would have went a long way to show they are  just not grabbing money.  They act like their new prices are doing everyone a favor, but in reality people just complained that they let too many people in and they found a way to fix it and not take a huge hit. To folk that fished there was there ever 500 people there and how often did they hit that 500 mark,  would be nice to know what the average # was on a weekend I shark season. Also how crowded would the place be with 250. At 250 would everyone get  fishable water or would some folk be left flailing a dead water.
2014/08/16 15:42:24
There's more doublespeak and politicianese in that crap than in the  NYS fishing regulations. I wanna fish , not look at spread sheets.  On that note, the  4 wd & yak's going into a backwoods smallie lake. Truck's packed with camp and fish gear. I'll worry about " to pay or not to pay, that is the question" some other time.
2014/08/16 16:00:53
hot tuna
I love the part they say " where like minded people come together "
I know back many years ago ( fred, norm & connie ) when they would sell out. Obviously the price was " reasonable ".
Once the price hit the $30.00 mark it was rare there was a sellout unless the water was so low it was the only game in town.
As for it being crowded at a sellout.. That all depended on how one chose to fish. The wall, joss, glide, spring, meadow and any named hole was full of people.
I always liked fishing moving ( not literly ) fish in between those areas as the rested in shallow water behind an eddy.
Those areas , at least then were not crowded because people didn't realize how to fish them. They would try the same old drift method , get hung up and leave for deeper water. The swing with very little , if any weight other the the fly was the key to success.
Now , at least in my last trip down there people have figured a lot out , not everyone actually fishes for them ( there are snaggers abound there too ) but many have learned that you can catch them instead of just hooking em'
2014/08/16 18:27:54
Best I can hope for is 1 day if a good friend comes through with his free guest pass again.Last year it was running 12-15 or 1800 on the day I got to use it.
Tough sledding that was.

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