2014/08/16 09:40:39
Wow is right... Definitely debatable for myself to renew for next year but with a years time to slowly save I probably will bite the bullet and renew my 8/15-5/15 access pass. My son is only 7 and he loves fishing down there. It is worth it for me/us... But yes wow!!! I would hope that prices stay at this rate. Daily fees??? No way I would pay it, but as fichy mentioned it is way cheaper than a guide and many folks spending 100's on a weekend trip or four day trip may very well still find it worth getting daily passes for their annual trip...
2014/08/16 09:46:12
So much for Fred's assurances that prices would remain reasonable, and that was back when it was 250 rods per day at 10.00.  I think it is time for the Nursery waters regulations that they have in Pa.  WE pay for the fish, not the new senator.
2014/08/16 09:48:02
Is that daily fisherman number including guides with multiple  clients or overall ???-Does It include season pass holders ???-do guides get to enter early with those clients and take the favored spots ???---
 Even in 'days of old' it always looked like lots of extra fishermen to me, and the guides with clients NEVER rotated outa favored spots.
2014/08/16 09:57:20
hot tuna
Again my memory sucks but when I was guiding there it was, guides ( at extra cost ) first. Season pass holders second then 1/2 hr later - free for all dash for the joe dirts. By the time the day pass folks got to the water most all the prime spots already had red lights staking their territory ..

Also I think it was 350 day passes , 150 season passes , don't know what the equation was for guide pass
2014/08/16 10:04:07
Clint S

*Max. # of anglers includes all guests (not just day pass holders as in the past)
NOTE: Hours of operation will be implemented today August 15, 2014
Looks to be combined and yes guides and season pass holders get to go down I think 1/2 hour earlier. No mention of rotation so if your there your there.
2014/08/16 10:05:04
Dime, if I lived out there, I would do as you do and think about saving up for it. You have enough memories that you want to pass on to your kids that it still is worth it. You also can fish enough to bring the daily price way down to a more reasonable level. I'd pay more just in gas and food per visit, by far.  If I run into you or HT wants to go sometime, I'll probably bite the bullet and go. As HT said, it is great early water. As for later, I'll pay for Jack's secret spot, though I only think he charges a beer and a few netted fish....
2014/08/16 10:36:29
Looking at that schedule, he does nothing for the local economy, as he can run the whole show with one person for most of the year, and only has to hire a few parttime "wardens" for the 2 months that the sharks are running.   As this is a  defacto private preserve, fish caught here should be ineligible for consideration for state records.  And considering the restrictive regulations on the upper fly to protect Atlantics, it should be pointless hooks only down here in the summer.  We pay so Doug's rich buddies can play.
2014/08/16 11:05:16
So I checked their website, and couldn't find any of this.  But I do have a question, who stocked the browns into the river so they could enjoy the summer fishery? 
I would hate to find out it was publicly paid for 2 year olds stocked into private waters, especially when there was a shortage for the remainder of the state.  And can I just go hire a private hatchery and dump their fish into a public waterbody (they own the bottom, but the people of the state of NY own the water.) Time to start making some noise!
2014/08/16 12:14:44
hot tuna
I hear you loud and clear L-13.
Some of what I read and understand is the browns were " purchased " for stocking that area this spring , May.
I can stay neutral on that aspect because there is really nothing keeping them in " his " water,,, um land underneath .
I'm sure strings were pulled however to get them when others did not.

Atlantic's, call me spoiled , call me selfish or call me just plain stupid but I could give a crap about them in the river after the tons of $$$$$$$ put into the program with what I consider a failed effort. In 35 years I could count on 1 hand how many I have caught ( adults ) and it sure didn't give me a bonner knowing I caught the holy grail .
Long live the King !!!

Back to the top :
I truly love the water in the DSR for salmon. I truly despise the idea of exploiting it for a certain well endowed and making a struggling working man to make ends meet to continue to live their dreams.
It BLOWS what is going on with the jail water , dsr and every other joker who is OVER exploiting the fishery for personal gain.
Reason I bought a boat and moved to the ( for now ) open free water.
Peace $ Tuna
2014/08/16 12:38:00
So I checked their website, and couldn't find any of this.  But I do have a question, who stocked the browns into the river so they could enjoy the summer fishery? 
I would hate to find out it was publicly paid for 2 year olds stocked into private waters, especially when there was a shortage for the remainder of the state.  And can I just go hire a private hatchery and dump their fish into a public waterbody (they own the bottom, but the people of the state of NY own the water.) Time to start making some noise!

Having seen this private stocking scenario several times in my locale, I seem to recall a permit requirement and a number of biological restrictions. Of course, wealth and connections fill in the bottom line for those pretty easily. Considering the horrible stocking job they are doing in my neck of the woods, if they are allocating 2 year old browns for a summer stocking program in the DSR, I'll be more than ripsheet mad. 
Years ago we use to chuck the Atlantic parr  into the woods that were stocked into a tributary of the Connecticut. You'd catch 3 of those for every native brookie, they're so aggressive.  Us poor Vermonters knew if the Atlantics ever took hold, the fishery would go entirely private and licenses would skyrocket. The fine for killing one was 500 bucks. I had some  potentially pretty expensive days. 

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