Sometimes wonder about the more popular and often easier access areas being described as the best and getting heavily pounded. Below the School and the Ellis area is pounded in late season but a lower walk gives one prime water and usually very little competition. Holes for Winter lies abound in the river.
Will agree though that if one knows a small hole that few fish up there it can be gang busters year in and year out.
Lately am a bit limited to long winter snowy walks so those easy areas become more attractive - but a longer hike is sometimes the best IMHO , even much lower.
Heck, DSR reports fish most all winter so they aren't just up top- yes heavier populated up there as they tend to stack but occasional walks with little snow down to lower areas have produced some great trips in the past.
Not so many fish lower, but great trips are subjective- lol-generally not much competition down there either.
Tuna, you mentioned an area the other day that I like to go to late season and mentioned its difficulty in snow- my last deep snow walk in there was just that- the last- got badly winded and stuck in deep snow as the crust gave way, with COPD and Asthma that aint fun actually alone and in trouble it was a bit scarey, took a few difficult hours to get out. As the crust thaws and ya bust through every other step its a new ballgame getting out compared to getting in some times.
Still get in there when conditions are better though and kinda keep it quiet lol.
Fish that aren't pounded every day ( cept by boats) all Winter seem different.
Think those guys ya see carrying snow shoes on their back pack know the deal.