2014/07/23 09:54:55
Clint S
L that is my job when guiding Charlie outside the Zones.
2014/07/23 17:24:38
One of these days Clint we'll get really unlucky and find an empty  walk-in spot to go about 15 for 20 in.    At least it's fun trying. I've enjoyed our bad days, too. Much better fishing with a friend than when I'm  snapping at Nancy because I can't buy a fish.... Hope the healing is right on schedule. Have you thought of adding trekking poles into your walking regimen?  They add a gentle range of motion exercise and some added balance and shock protection .  I have an extra pair of adjustables  if you want to borrow some high end ones.
2014/07/23 18:00:12
Clint S
Thanks Charlie and your right even the bad days were top notch in my book.  I had not thought about those.  I did fabricate a decent walking stick, but more for defense as the # of foxes and dogs I see are increasing with distance.  I have an apt next week and hoping to add some gentle stretching to the neck as well as some strengthening to the arm and shoulder.  
2014/07/24 07:55:29
what would stop someone from skirting the north end of the property "where it runs along pucker brush creek" to come out on the downstream side of the school house and fishing it....there are already paths down through the woods and even though they have clearly marked the boundary down through....you can still access it.
2014/07/24 08:25:46
Just what I was thinking, BB. I might give that a try and let you know how it works. I was curious if anyone, especially you, had done it already. I can do without that spot until cold weather sets in,  I think the guests won't be out there then, anyway. If you have to have that much luxury accommodations on a fishing trip, you probably aren't going to put up with much discomfort; like walking through snow and having cold hands.
Not to say there won't be an increase in the propane powered drift boat traffic....
That long walk HT mentioned would never get me there. I'd stop many times along the way. I'll certainly try it though.
2014/07/24 08:34:30
Clint S
My thoughts too on coming up from that end. Personally I have only fished that side with Charlie a few times and once when I was eight years old for a school fishing tourney.   I do fish my spin rod on the other side some, especially in higher flows and winter
2014/07/24 09:01:24
hot tuna
You can get through there from the powerlines.
Parking might be an issue though.
I have fished it from the trestle to school and vise versa but always walked back via the road which you cant do now.It's really not that far, no Furthur then going to the secret spot.
I will most likely just write the south bank off and if I decide to fish that area just do it from the north
Edit: if it is low water ,335 you can cross from the north to the south just above the barrel if you really wanted too. Have done that as well
2014/07/24 11:47:33
its not a bad walk back there...yes i've done it  a few times
2014/07/24 12:03:50
Clint S
During that tourney my dad knew Nothing about salmon fishing .  We were using worms.  I caught a large shiner or sucker and won second place
2014/07/24 12:22:52
Clint S
During that tourney my dad knew Nothing about salmon fishing .  We were using worms.  I caught a large shiner or sucker and won second place

Gotta see a picture or it did n't happen.

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