As one who generally does not fish that particular area am VERY aware of bank loss anywhere on the Sr as it contributes to overcrowding elsewhere. I deplore it as a general rule.
Am still awaiting the Ballpark issue. Since it was mentioned a year or so back it seems to have 'gone away' however in life's experience these things seem to commonly come back to haunt us.
Its easy to blame the new buyers, however, in the case of the Schoolhouse the real culprit is the State of NY for not keeping their eye on the ball. We had a School -heavily subsidized by State and Federal funding and publicly owned- as all schools are- and when it came time to change hands the State fell asleep on the angling rights issue. Possibly they thought the other side was good enough without taking a 'real life' look at the predictable outcome.
This was different than a regular private property transfer as the State already had a clear fiscal involvement in the property.
The new place would be just as well off selling parking to a public fishery at their doorstep and it would seem to have little negative affect on their business IMHO, that side being the 'hard' side to fish anyhow.
Now the games will begin over the areas fishing -will likely be a big issue in the coming year or two while L/E and Guides and fisher folks get used to whatever happens. All sides will likely push their luck as far as they can hoping to be the one who is 'right' and unfortunately it will all too often end up in a court.
Remember, if the new place has 'river wardens' like DSR they are paid for and work for a private company-even if they have the right to give tickets they will have a particular mandate from a private business. DSR 'special rules' come to mind.
Could have easily been avoided with proper PFR for an area already with a great public fiscal interest now predictably lost and 'off limits'. Again the Ballpark comes to mind-even the present 'owners' have a public involvement.
Cant blame the new owners though- thats too easy. The State of NY has done a GREAT job with the SR, and continues to do so, but gotta keep their eye on the ball that they clearly dropped in this case.
Bad enough when a private piece gets sold and posted but when a public piece gets sold and posted- someone fell asleep.