Here is the 7/12-14 report.
got to lake on a beautiful day around noon sat.. It was so cool to meet up with a local and his wife at the tackle shop as we were filling the boat up with fuel.. B.S'd for a while then off we went to put in at mexico and gave the boat a little run to see her ride.. She went awesome so we trolled around in 80 fow out to about 120' Big zero and we decided to just have fun the rest of the day :

At first jumping into a shark infested water at 120 ' I seemed a little nervous but again it was awesome swimming with the fishes..
Big plans were made to take a friend out for the day.. When I awoke at 6am and looked at the marine forecast it was dim, small craft advisory.. He showed up around 7 and we gave it a try.. Busting our way out to about 100 fow it looked like that was far enough and we rocked and rolled while setting up gear.. Bobbing like a cork in 3-4' rollers SUCKED and our guest was a little nervous with a touch of green around his gills so we bagged it at 10 am .. Funny thing is we sat on the boat next to the fire ALL day sharing stories and just have a blast.. Fun day brother and hope you can make it out again when the Lady O plays nice..
what a change a few hrs can make, The lake was calm and off we went around 8:00
Headed straight out to 150 fow and set up gear pointing towards 200 fow , we were 5 miles out..
Finally a rod popped and it was game on for my buddy..
His first time to the area and his first ever salmon :)

From then on it was just a long slow troll day.. Nothing happening and called it a trip around 2 pm..
It was a GREAT time and I cant wait to get back (on the Lake) ..
Talking with others the fish are still WAY out.. 200 fow is a good starting point.. They also said the fish are on the smaller side this year with very very few near the 30 lb class..
We shall see what happens in a month but I personally don't see an early push happening this year.. The lake took a beating this winter and is just starting to set up a thermocline.