Man just drown last week while floating one of the creeks around Erie. He and a buddy, both wearing jackets, hit a tree laying in the water. The poor sole got hung up, his buddy couldn't free him and went for help............. Young girl drown in French Creek at Franklin, PA. while floating with a church group a few years ago after her jacket got caught by the very snag that created the back wash that capsized her canoe............ First responder drown in Slippery Rock Creek while attempting a water rescue/recovery. I'll stand corrected but, I believe he got caught up in a snag. These are, but, a few incidents that occur each year on our nations streams, creeks, and rivers.
I find no better fish magnets then cover such as these snags but, the truth of the matter is more and more novice boaters are using the creeks and rivers for recreation. You and I know the more people injured, be they novice or experienced, people are going to pressure the authorities to keep the waterways clear of snags.
We also know that waterways are constantly changing so, a snag that is not a threat to navigation today can become a death trap tomorrow.
Losing good fish holding structure sucks but as always; for some people to play, other people pay.