2015/06/13 14:19:36
But........ but.. but, Zelie the fish bite best when it's raining......... don't cha know?
2015/06/13 14:42:05
This rain is full of **** LIGHTNING.  Don't make me find you and slap you.
2015/06/13 14:44:38
Captain those are some nice fish and the pictures are great but, that one dude is kinda......... well.... never mind! :-)

Just kidding.

I haven't found any info about white bass having silver eyes (staying open minded though) so I'll just toss back anything under the required 18" for the 'hybrids'. Not even sure I'll like the flavor till I can get one on the grill served with a side of home made stewed tomatoes and big helping of home made slaw.

Might even sneak around Authur and see if I can find Sam's hot spot (I hear he don't like to fish in the rain) but, keep that a secret if ya would please.
2015/06/13 16:32:28
Interesting observation regarding the eyes.
Looking through all of my photos, all of the hybrids have gold eyes. But many of the white bass also have gold eyes(not just from Shenango.....but locations that don't have hybrids, so no confusion about species). And many others have silver eyes.
Camera angle and lighting could be factors. Who knows haha.
Other than size(you're not gonna catch a 25 inch white bass lol) I think the only for sure way to tell the difference between the two is to look at the tongue patch, or something like that. I haven't paid much attention to that since I don't keep hybrids and very rarely keep white bass.
2015/06/13 16:36:31
As always those are some hogs Captain haha. Great fish.
I prefer not to, but I can fish through heavy rain just fine..........but as soon as I hear thunder I'm outta there!!
2015/06/16 00:47:50
Let it rain !

2015/06/16 07:36:21
God gets more fishermen in bed with heart attacks than on lakes with lightning. quoted by my gramps. i don,t think you see or hear the one that gets you. i have Frogg Toggs ,n, a bumbershoot, ,n, fish thru the storm , if the wind don,t get too bad. some storms, some lakes, some days, wife ,n, i couldn,t keep up to the bite. good times.(til the rain falls on your neck, then, being trapped in F.Ts, travels down to your"crack, ,n, cold ,n, wet envelopes your "junk" brrrr. lol wire
2015/06/16 10:02:41
As ive gotten older retired now I can pick and choose my days I want to fish wife and I prefer nicer days now no need to go in inclement weather just because its the weekend or my day off. I must admit I do like to fish in a mild rain but the last couple of weeks forget it. Im also not messing with lightning made it through a lot of issues to be this old and im not about to end it with a shock!!!!!LOL. I do remember my younger years not ever getting out of a rainsuit!!!
2015/06/16 10:09:05
Captain, very nice......... any hints on which bridge is nearby..... RR or HW?

Wirenut, the rain thing down your neck.........just a little more than we needed to know(lol)
2015/06/16 23:54:10
Shenango River Lake4 hours ago · 

16 June - At 6:00 pm we opened gates 1 - 7 at the dam to 2.25 feet each, and the outflow depth is 5.23 feet. The 6:00 pm lake elevation is 900.14, about 5 1/2 feet above the normal summer elevation. The river depth at Transfer is 5.69 feet. The total discharge is 2300 cubic feet per second, and the pool is still rising at 0.02 feet per hour. The Clark Boat Launch, ADA Fishing Pier, and Golden Run area are still closed.

Oh well it could be worse, It would really suck to be a Cavaliers fan about now.

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